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NASA Says Likely No Life on Mars
June 3, 2005One of the most convincing indications of life on Mars isthe presence of methane gas. But a new NASA report says thatMars has an abundance of the mineral olivine, whichdissolves easily in water, releasing methane gas, meaningit's unlikely that life... continued
Why Some of Us are Tastier than Others
June 3, 2005Why do mosquitoes bite some people much more than others?This is merely annoying to those of us living in the West,but to people living in places like Africa, where malaria isrampant, it can mean the difference between life and death.Now... continued
Future Bleak for Some Parts of the World
June 1, 2005Newswise - About 20% of all nations in the world face a serious risk ofcivil war or governmental collapse, and a half dozen of themare at high risk of future mass genocides, according to anew report. The greatest risks are... continued
Prophet Yahweh to Call UFOs on Live TV–UPDATE
June 1, 2005On May 28, Ramon Watkins, who calls himself 'Prophet Yahweh'astonished a Las Vegas TV news crew by apparently succeedingin calling a UFO on command before KNTV news cameras. Thestation then asked him to call UFOs on live TV on June... continued
Siberian Forest Fires Threaten Earth
June 1, 2005As temperatures in Siberia soar and drought stalks the vasttaiga, the danger that Siberian forest fires could become sohuge that the smoke threatens the climate of the entireplanet rises. The fires are set naturally, by 'drylightning,' and by illegal timber... continued
Los Angeles Earthquake Danger
May 29, 2005A fault has been discovered beneath the Los Angeles basinthat could generate an earthquake far more intense than hadpreviously been thought possible in the area. Expertsestimate that a magnitude 7.2 to 7.5 quake along the newlydiscovered Puente Hills fault could... continued
UFO Guru Calls in Craft for TV Crew
May 29, 2005Why aren't we surprised that this happened in Las Vegas? Aman who claims that he has been using bible texts to calldown UFOs for years has apparently caused one to appear oncommand for a Las Vegas TV crew. The stunned... continued
French Interview with Whitley
May 29, 2005Whitley Strieber gives very few interviews these days, buthe did give a recent interview to the creators of the FrenchwebsiteKarmapolis. The interview is startling, to say the least, and shows agreat advance in his thinking about the close encounterexperience. When... continued
Huge Red Tide Means No Sexy Shellfish
May 29, 2005Newswise - With shellfish beds from Maine to Cape Cod coast closed fromthe largest algae outbreak in 12 years in Massachusetts Bay,scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI) are studying the algae that causes these "red tides."Red tides are caused... continued
Sale Ends at Midnight Tonight (Memorial Day)
May 29, 2005Our latestsale, with 10%off EVERYTHING, is just about over?the store coupon expiresat midnight tonight. So shop for everything you wantbefore the witching hour?and get great bargains on everysingle item in our store.Subscribersautomatically get a 10% discount on store items, making... continued