Polluted Milk?AND Salad

May 27, 2005
Something calledMetabolicSyndrome has recently been discovered. This basically meansthat every infant should be EXCLUSIVELY breast fed for atleast 6 months, in order to avoid a future of obesity andType II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, andtoo much bad cholesterol.... continued

Our January Prophet is Back?How’s He Doing?

May 26, 2005
In January, John Hogue gaveus his predictions about what the future would bring in2005. As a special Memorial Day program, we go back in timeand listen to his prophecies again. How did he do? Some ofhis prophecies have come true...and... continued

Kids Might as Well be Jet Lagged

May 26, 2005
Newswise - Elementary schools are full of sleepy students who are tootired to learn because of lost sleep, due to nightly battleswiththeir parents over bedtimes or staying up late to watchtheir favorite TV shows. A survey of almost 200 fifthgraders... continued

Bottle Feeding Babies is Big Business

May 25, 2005
Newswise - The current administration's almost total concern with thewelfare of Big Business, often to the detriment of theordinary citizen, is nothing new. In the 1950s, baby formulamanufacturers convinced mothers in this country thatbreastfeeding was embarrassing and unnecessary?and the U.S.government... continued

Solar Fireworks Jar Scientists

May 25, 2005
NASA - The most intense burst of solar radiation in five decadesaccompanied a large solar flare on January 20. It shookspace weather theory and highlighted the need for newforecasting techniques, according to several presentationsat the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting... continued

Ancient Documents Miraculously Decoded

May 25, 2005
Thousands of previously illegible manuscripts containingwork by some of the greatest classical writers who everlived can be read for the first time, due to new technologywhich will reveal the secrets of the ancient world. Thefaded ink on these manuscript pages,... continued

911 Commission Report is a 571 Page Lie

May 24, 2005
On NPR radio recently, distinguished commentator DanielShore said that the biggest under reported news story of theyear is the leak that Bush and Blair both knew that SaddamHussein DID NOT haveweapons of massdestruction BEFORE the Iraq war. In our latestInsight,author... continued

Phoenix Lights Wins Major Movie Award

May 24, 2005
Dr. Lynne Kitei reports that The Phoenix Lights documentaryfilm has won the Best Director Award in the New YorkInternationalFilm Festival. To can get this film on DVD fromunknowncountry.com,clickhere. If you prefer to read her fascinating book aboutthese strange lights--which were... continued

Sarcasm?What is It?

May 23, 2005
Newswise - The brain is more complex than we realize. For instance, theability to understand a sarcastic remark depends on asequence of complex skills based in specific parts of thebrain. Psychologists have discovered that in order to "getit," listeners must... continued

Star Wars Religion

May 23, 2005
Newswise - Some fans of Star Wars, including fans of the newestentry, "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith," consider watchingthese films to be a religious experience. Two religionprofessors at different universities have studied the roleof religion in science fiction and... continued