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Sale Ends at Midnight Tonight (Memorial Day)
May 29, 2005Our latestsale, with 10%off EVERYTHING, is just about over?the store coupon expiresat midnight tonight. So shop for everything you wantbefore the witching hour?and get great bargains on everysingle item in our store.Subscribersautomatically get a 10% discount on store items, making... continued
Species are Disappearing Worldwide
May 29, 2005Are we next? - Genetically modified plants, such as Starlink corn, arealmost all produced by Monsanto. They are usually engineeredto be resistant to Monsanto's pesticide Roundup. This meansthat entire fields can be sprayed with Roundup and the weedswill die but... continued
Los Angeles Earthquake Danger
May 29, 2005A fault has been discovered beneath the Los Angeles basinthat could generate an earthquake far more intense than hadpreviously been thought possible in the area. Expertsestimate that a magnitude 7.2 to 7.5 quake along the newlydiscovered Puente Hills fault could... continued
UFO Guru Calls in Craft for TV Crew
May 29, 2005Why aren't we surprised that this happened in Las Vegas? Aman who claims that he has been using bible texts to calldown UFOs for years has apparently caused one to appear oncommand for a Las Vegas TV crew. The stunned... continued
Polluted Milk?AND Salad
May 27, 2005Something calledMetabolicSyndrome has recently been discovered. This basically meansthat every infant should be EXCLUSIVELY breast fed for atleast 6 months, in order to avoid a future of obesity andType II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, andtoo much bad cholesterol.... continued
Kids Might as Well be Jet Lagged
May 26, 2005Newswise - Elementary schools are full of sleepy students who are tootired to learn because of lost sleep, due to nightly battleswiththeir parents over bedtimes or staying up late to watchtheir favorite TV shows. A survey of almost 200 fifthgraders... continued
Our January Prophet is Back?How’s He Doing?
May 26, 2005In January, John Hogue gaveus his predictions about what the future would bring in2005. As a special Memorial Day program, we go back in timeand listen to his prophecies again. How did he do? Some ofhis prophecies have come true...and... continued
Bottle Feeding Babies is Big Business
May 25, 2005Newswise - The current administration's almost total concern with thewelfare of Big Business, often to the detriment of theordinary citizen, is nothing new. In the 1950s, baby formulamanufacturers convinced mothers in this country thatbreastfeeding was embarrassing and unnecessary?and the U.S.government... continued
Solar Fireworks Jar Scientists
May 25, 2005NASA - The most intense burst of solar radiation in five decadesaccompanied a large solar flare on January 20. It shookspace weather theory and highlighted the need for newforecasting techniques, according to several presentationsat the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting... continued
Ancient Documents Miraculously Decoded
May 25, 2005Thousands of previously illegible manuscripts containingwork by some of the greatest classical writers who everlived can be read for the first time, due to new technologywhich will reveal the secrets of the ancient world. Thefaded ink on these manuscript pages,... continued