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Ancient Documents Miraculously Decoded
May 25, 2005Thousands of previously illegible manuscripts containingwork by some of the greatest classical writers who everlived can be read for the first time, due to new technologywhich will reveal the secrets of the ancient world. Thefaded ink on these manuscript pages,... continued
911 Commission Report is a 571 Page Lie
May 24, 2005On NPR radio recently, distinguished commentator DanielShore said that the biggest under reported news story of theyear is the leak that Bush and Blair both knew that SaddamHussein DID NOT haveweapons of massdestruction BEFORE the Iraq war. In our latestInsight,author... continued
Phoenix Lights Wins Major Movie Award
May 24, 2005Dr. Lynne Kitei reports that The Phoenix Lights documentaryfilm has won the Best Director Award in the New YorkInternationalFilm Festival. To can get this film on DVD fromunknowncountry.com,clickhere. If you prefer to read her fascinating book aboutthese strange lights--which were... continued
Star Wars Religion
May 23, 2005Newswise - Some fans of Star Wars, including fans of the newestentry, "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith," consider watchingthese films to be a religious experience. Two religionprofessors at different universities have studied the roleof religion in science fiction and... continued
Smoking?Why It’s So Hard to Quit
May 23, 2005Newswise - Seven years after tobacco companies signed the MasterSettlement Agreement, which prohibited them from paying fortobacco brand appearances in movies, the number of tobaccobrand appearances in movies has decreased. Buttobacco placements in movies made especially for teens haveactually INCREASED.... continued
Sarcasm?What is It?
May 23, 2005Newswise - The brain is more complex than we realize. For instance, theability to understand a sarcastic remark depends on asequence of complex skills based in specific parts of thebrain. Psychologists have discovered that in order to "getit," listeners must... continued
Major UFO Breakthrough in Brazil
May 22, 2005The nation of Brazil is relaxing its policy of UFO secrecy.It is the first among a number of countries known to beconsidering the idea of abandoning the secrecy mandate thathas been in place worldwide since the phenomenon first beganto be... continued
Anne’s Diary: Starting Over
May 19, 2005Anne Strieber isstarting over--andnot just because she's recovering from a brain hemorrhage.Read how Anne learned to stop being a consumer and to startloving life! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Dreamland: The Horrifying Mystery of Paul Bennewitz
May 19, 2005PaulBennewitz was a brilliant scientist and signals expert whoworked on secret projects and lived near Kirtland Air ForceBase in New Mexico. He began to pick up strange signals andsee lights hovering over the base, and became convinced thatan alieninvasion was... continued
Google Map Mystery
May 18, 2005The Google Maps satellite map of Magnolia Park, Floridashows a clear view of an unusual object floating above 39thStreet in the town. The shadow on the object is similar to the shadows on theground, meaning that it is in the... continued