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Sarcasm?What is It?
May 23, 2005Newswise - The brain is more complex than we realize. For instance, theability to understand a sarcastic remark depends on asequence of complex skills based in specific parts of thebrain. Psychologists have discovered that in order to "getit," listeners must... continued
Major UFO Breakthrough in Brazil
May 22, 2005The nation of Brazil is relaxing its policy of UFO secrecy.It is the first among a number of countries known to beconsidering the idea of abandoning the secrecy mandate thathas been in place worldwide since the phenomenon first beganto be... continued
Anne’s Diary: Starting Over
May 19, 2005Anne Strieber isstarting over--andnot just because she's recovering from a brain hemorrhage.Read how Anne learned to stop being a consumer and to startloving life! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Dreamland: The Horrifying Mystery of Paul Bennewitz
May 19, 2005PaulBennewitz was a brilliant scientist and signals expert whoworked on secret projects and lived near Kirtland Air ForceBase in New Mexico. He began to pick up strange signals andsee lights hovering over the base, and became convinced thatan alieninvasion was... continued
Google Map Mystery
May 18, 2005The Google Maps satellite map of Magnolia Park, Floridashows a clear view of an unusual object floating above 39thStreet in the town. The shadow on the object is similar to the shadows on theground, meaning that it is in the... continued
Alleged Nazi Villain Captured
May 17, 2005Paul Schafer, a former Nazi Luftwaffe medic who founded theChilean compound known as Colonia Dignidad (now renamedVilla Baviera) has been arrested and put in jail in Chile.On May 7, we had a specialsubscriberinterview with Peter Levenda, one of the few... continued
Finally: A Cure for Cancer?
May 17, 2005Newswise - Medical researchers say a medicine called Revlimid, which isnot yet on the market, may be a cure for somecancers, and may lead to cures for more, especially if themechanism by which it works can be understood. Doctors whoused... continued
Heading for the Beach? Pack Your Antioxidants!
May 17, 2005Newswise - Due to increased solar activity and the thinning of theozone layer, the deadly skin cancermelanoma isbeing seen more frequently in children. Despite theavailability of sunscreens, skin cancer in general is on therise. A group of chemists have discovered... continued
Severe Hurricane Season Probable
May 16, 2005The south central Atlantic has warmed this spring to anunprecendented degree, while temperatures in thestratosphere have continued to plummet, and air pressures atsea level are unusually low. These effects are a directresult of the ongoing global warming process, in whichexcessive... continued
Sun Goes Wild–Again!
May 16, 2005A geomagnetic storm that took place on the sun yesterday hasbeen classified by the NOAA Space Environment Center inBoulder, Colorado as an "extreme event," measuing G-5, whichis the highest level on the NOAA Space Weather Scale. The K-Index, which measures... continued