Finally: A Cure for Cancer?

May 17, 2005
Newswise - Medical researchers say a medicine called Revlimid, which isnot yet on the market, may be a cure for somecancers, and may lead to cures for more, especially if themechanism by which it works can be understood. Doctors whoused... continued

Heading for the Beach? Pack Your Antioxidants!

May 17, 2005
Newswise - Due to increased solar activity and the thinning of theozone layer, the deadly skin cancermelanoma isbeing seen more frequently in children. Despite theavailability of sunscreens, skin cancer in general is on therise. A group of chemists have discovered... continued

Severe Hurricane Season Probable

May 16, 2005
The south central Atlantic has warmed this spring to anunprecendented degree, while temperatures in thestratosphere have continued to plummet, and air pressures atsea level are unusually low. These effects are a directresult of the ongoing global warming process, in whichexcessive... continued

Sun Goes Wild–Again!

May 16, 2005
A geomagnetic storm that took place on the sun yesterday hasbeen classified by the NOAA Space Environment Center inBoulder, Colorado as an "extreme event," measuing G-5, whichis the highest level on the NOAA Space Weather Scale. The K-Index, which measures... continued

Howe Gulf Stream Report World’s Best

May 16, 2005
Award winning science reporter Linda Moulton Howe hasproduced by far the world's best story on the slowing of theGulf Stream, why it is happening and its consequences. Aside from a few brief stories in the European press, themedia has all... continued

Geek Speak

May 15, 2005
You may use your computer every day, but do you reallycomprehend the lingo? has done a survey and foundthat few computer users really understand "Geek Speak." Whatdo "phishing" and "spyware" mean? What's a blog? And whatdoes it mean when... continued

China?Environmental Leader?

May 15, 2005
It may seem hard to believe, but China, the country thatused to be one of the world's leading polluters, now wantsto play a leadership role in cleaning up the environment.For instance, a few years ago, it was estimated thatpollution from... continued

Gamblers May Have Brain Damage

May 14, 2005
Newswise - Gamblers who lose more money than they can afford and whocan't stay away from the slot machines may have a form ofbrain damage. Researchers say that the decision-makingfunctions of the brain's pre-frontal cortex seem to bedamaged in pathological... continued

The Sheep Sleep Game

May 13, 2005
How fast are your reflexes?Play this game and find out! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Good News on the Mad Cow Front

May 13, 2005
Newswise - Mad cow disease is one of the great unspoken fears, becauseAmericans know that the Agriculture Department does notprotect us responsibly. Now there is hope on the horizon. Avaccine that works against the prions that cause the diseasehas been... continued