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Global Dimming Finally Reversing
May 12, 2005Newswise - Over a year ago, we posted a story explaining howglobaldimming is caused by a buildup of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere. Now climate scientists say that after 30years, this is finally reversing. Earth's surface hasbrightened by about 4% during... continued
Asthma Caused by Pesky Bugs
May 11, 2005Newswise - For years, doctors have wondered why children who live in cities have much more asthma than those raised in thecountryside, and also why black children are more severelyaffected than whites. Is it because more Afro-Americans live in cities,... continued
Live Dangerously: Be a Scientist
May 11, 2005Another scientist involved in disease control has beenkilled. David Banks was the principal scientist withBiosecurity Australia and was involved in containing pestand disease threats. He died along with 15 other people whenthe commuter plane he was traveling in went down... continued
Tut Was No Beauty
May 11, 2005Three different teams have computer scanned the Egyptianboy-king Tut's mummy recently, and they've all come up withthe same conclusion: he was no beauty. He had anunusually elongated, narrow skull, big lips, buckteeth and a receding chin. Tut died in an... continued
Why are Films so Violent?
May 11, 2005Newswise - Parents complain more about violence in films than they doabout gratuitous sex. Hollywood producers seem to thinkviolence is a necessary ingredient in a film that's aimed atthe crucial pre-adolescent male audience. But film violencemay not draw viewers to... continued
Mongolian Death Worm Eludes Researchers
May 10, 2005A group of English scientists are combing the Gobi Desert insearch of the legendary Mongolian Death Worm, also known asthe Allghoi khorkhoi. Nomads in the area claim that theDeath Worm can spit yellow saliva that works like powerfulacid, and that... continued
William Henry & Laurence Gardner on Coast Tonight
May 10, 2005On Tuesday, May 10, Dreamland guest host (and popularDreamland guest) William Henry will be on Coast to Coast AMon the Clear Channel Radio network with George Noory. Thiscoming weekend, May 14 and 15, William will interviewLaurence on Dreamland, about his... continued
Scientists Confirm Unexpected Gulf Stream Slowing
May 9, 2005Scientists from Cambridge University have confirmed that theGulf Stream is weakening, and this is likely to bring muchcolder temperatures to Europe within a few years. Theweakening is significant: the Gulf Stream is flowing at aquarter of the strength that was... continued
Secret British Memo Raises Disturbing Questions About Iraq War
May 8, 2005A highly classified memo leaked during the recent Britishelectoral campaign raises extremely serious questions aboutwhether or not the US government ever believed that therewere weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The memo, by British foreign policy aide Matthew Rycroft,discusses a... continued
Baby Fat
May 7, 2005Newswise - Babies who gain weight rapidly during their very first weekof life may be more likely to be overweight as young adults.And while there?s no question that being overweight is badfor your health, being underweight can lead to healthproblems,... continued