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Secret British Memo Raises Disturbing Questions About Iraq War
May 8, 2005A highly classified memo leaked during the recent Britishelectoral campaign raises extremely serious questions aboutwhether or not the US government ever believed that therewere weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The memo, by British foreign policy aide Matthew Rycroft,discusses a... continued
Baby Fat
May 7, 2005Newswise - Babies who gain weight rapidly during their very first weekof life may be more likely to be overweight as young adults.And while there?s no question that being overweight is badfor your health, being underweight can lead to healthproblems,... continued
Space Travel Coming to Your Local Mall Soon
May 7, 2005A franchise is a store or restaurant, like The Gap orKentucky Fried Chicken, that you can find in every town inthe U.S. and often abroad as well. Now space pioneer BurtRutan says travel agents that can book you on a... continued
Lake Tahoe Tsunami
May 6, 2005Could Nevada or California experience a tsunami as bad asthe one that struck Indonesia in December? Evidence showsthat approximately every 3,000 years, the seismic faultsunderneath Lake Tahoe produce an earthquake with the powerto push the ground up or down by... continued
We’ve Finally Learned How Monarchs Navigate
May 6, 2005Every year, fragile monarch butterflies fly more than athousand miles, from Canada to their winter home in Mexico.They stop along the way to eat milkweed, one of theirfavorite foods. Until recently, no one knew how theynavigated such great distances, but... continued
Gentle Giant: A Vegetarian Dino
May 5, 2005Newswise - How did vicious, meat-eating dinosaurs evolve into friendly,vegetarian dinos?some of which could even fly? A new kind ofdinosaur discovered in Utah may provide some clues. As anadult, this dinosaur walked on two legs, was about 13 feetlong and... continued
Dreamland This Week: CONSPIRACIES!
May 5, 2005Always a popular guest, Jim Marrs joins William Henry as aDreamland host with his phenomenal interview of conspiracytheorist Ed Haslam, author ofMaryFerrie and the Monkey Virus. Jim asks Haslam the burningquestion:was AIDS manmade? Then Whitley interviews ANOTHER conspiracyexpert: Unholy Alliance... continued
Scientists Say Religious Belief is Genetic
May 4, 2005Anthropologists are studying twins to find out how muchgenes influence our belief in God. Because the families wegrow up in and the schools we attend (especially religiousschools) have a big influence on our future beliefs,identifying our "God Genes" is easier... continued
A Yogurt a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
May 4, 2005Newswise - The Mayo Clinic reports that yogurt is surprisingly goodfor you. One 8-ounce cup of plain low-fat yogurt providesaround 400 mg of calcium, more than the 300 mg in an 8-ounceglass of milk. Yogurt also has as much potassium... continued
May 3, 2005We wanted to have a sale, but instead of making individualdecisions about each of our many wonderful store items, wedecided to slash prices 10% across the board! This will makeroom on our shelves for the wonderful books and DVDs we'llfeature... continued