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Music Helps Preemies Thrive
May 1, 2005Newswise - A music professor has discovered that playing music has apositive effect on the health of premature infants,inspiring them to take more food and grow faster. Preemiesneed to put on weight as quickly as possible, so that theirlungs mature... continued
Large Sunspot 4 Years After the Max
April 29, 2005A sunspot that appeared on April 25 has grown to five timesthe size of the earth as it transits the solar disk. It isunusual for large sunspots to continue to appear so longafter a solar max. The peak of the... continued
Why Do Some People Have a Conscience, While Others Don’t?
April 29, 2005How are some people able to commit horrible crimes likeserial killings?and actually enjoy doing this? It all comesdown to the old-fashioned concept of empathy?the ability toput ourselves in someone else's shoes. At one time,scientists didn't understand how ANYONE was able... continued
C-SPAN Blocked During Griffin Lecture–Listen Here!
April 29, 2005According to letters received from Unknowncountry.comreaders, C-Span was not available on some cable outletsduring the broadcast of David Ray Griffin's talk, "911 andthe American Empire." The audio portion of Dr. Griffin's talk is available byclicking on the word "Dreamland" on... continued
Are Crows Exploding Toads?
April 29, 2005Agence France-Presse - Toads have beenexploding bythe hundreds in Germany because they are being attacked bycrows, a veterinary surgeon revealed on Thursday.Animal welfare workers and veterinarians had reported thatas many as 1,000 toads had swelled to bursting point andexploded in... continued
This Week on Our Radio Shows: Remote Viewing, Exploding Toads and Forbidden Wisdom!
April 28, 2005Linda Howe leadsDreamlandoff this week with one of the most bizarre biologicalmysteries in decades:explodingtoads. Then Whitley, who has personally studied remoteviewing, talks with one of its legendary originators:RussellTarg. OnMysteriousPowers,Anne talks with Doug Kenyon,who has just published an amazing book of... continued
Hydropower Leads to Global Warming
April 27, 2005Damming rivers to produce hydropower sounds like the perfectsolution the problem of relying on fossil fuels?EXCEPT thatit also produces large amounts of methane, which is one ofthe worst greenhouse gases. Methane's effect on globalwarming is over 20 times more than... continued
Legacy of Death Left Behind in Iraq
April 27, 2005As we did in the Gulf War and in Afghanistan, we will leavea legacy of death behind us in Iraq in the form of depleteduranium (DU) bullets. At one time, retreating armies leftland-minds behind, buried in the dirt, where they... continued
Some Bacteria is Good for You
April 26, 2005Newswise - We recently published a story on thedangers ofanti-bacterial soap and household cleaning supplies. But nowit turns out it may be good for us to take a dose ofbacteria daily. Anne Strieber says that sickness cansometimes be a gift.... continued
Antarctica Melting Fast
April 26, 2005Agence France-Presse - The worst fears of environmentalists are coming true:Scientists have issued a new warning about the effects ofclimate change on Antarctica, saying that more than 200glaciers are melting because of unusually high temperatures.Using aerial photos dating back to... continued