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Prophecy of St. Malachy Again Fulfilled
April 25, 2005In the year 1139, St. Malachy, an Irish bishop with a notedgift of prophecy, visited Rome and, as the result of avision, wrote a single line of description for 112 futurepopes. The list has been strikingly accurate, and the new... continued
Suicides by Dogs & Frogs
April 25, 2005In Glasgow, Scotland, dogs seem to have lost the will tolive. Five dogs have committed suicide?by jumping from thesame spot on a bridge. All these suicides happened atdifferent times. For instance, a woman who was out walkingher dog watched in... continued
Bigfoot Emergency Call?
April 24, 2005An Unknowncountry.com reader has sent us a recording of a911 emergency call from the Pacific Northwest that soundsvery much like thecaller is in the process of witnessing a bigfoot in his backyard. The call originated on the Kitsap Penninsula inWashington... continued
Anne’s Diary?Sickness: The Unwanted Gift
April 24, 2005Anne Strieber writes: "I've been talking recently to afriend who survived breast cancer. Those of you who visitunknowncountry.com regularly know that I survived apotentially lethal brain hemorrhage in October, and spentabout 6 weeks in the I.C.U. of a nearby hospital.... continued
A Remarkable Orb Photo
April 23, 2005Unknowncountry.com reader Sandy Nichols discovered aftertaking some photographs of his new house that he had anunusually convincing orb photograph. Skeptics assume that orbs, which have been photographed moreand more frequently in recent years, but rarely withanything except digital cameras, must... continued
Are You Racist? This Test Will Tell You
April 22, 2005Two million people in the US have taken a test that issupposed to reveal whether or not you are prejudiced againstpeople of other races. It's a five-minute test that you takeover the internet. To take this test,clickhere. Lucy Wilkins writes... continued
Why Coffee Works
April 21, 2005Newswise - Scientists in Texas are studying why people get drowsy andfall asleep, and how caffeine blocks that process. Whencells in a certain part of the brain become overworked, acompound in the brain called adenosine kicks in, tellingthem to shut... continued
Did Life on Earth Come from Mars?
April 21, 2005We recentlyreported that when Mars rovers examined fiveancient Martian craters that form a ring-like "equator"around the middle of the planet, NASA decided these musthave been formed when a giant asteroid broke apart and itsfragments all slammed into the planet. If... continued
Biggest Extinction Caused by Low Oxygen
April 21, 2005Newswise - The biggest mass extinction in Earth history happened 251million years ago and it took millions of years for theEarth to finally repopulate. New research shows that thisextinction event was caused by a sudden sharp decline inatmospheric oxygen?why did... continued
Oil Prices Will Continue to Go Sky High
April 21, 2005Will oil prices hit $380 a barrel? A new report warns thatcrude prices, now about $50 a barrel, could rise that muchby 2015. Energy Economists Patrick Artus and Moncef Kaabi,of the French investment bank Ixis-CIB, warn that in thenext 10... continued