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Oil Prices Will Continue to Go Sky High
April 21, 2005Will oil prices hit $380 a barrel? A new report warns thatcrude prices, now about $50 a barrel, could rise that muchby 2015. Energy Economists Patrick Artus and Moncef Kaabi,of the French investment bank Ixis-CIB, warn that in thenext 10... continued
Dreamland: Contactee Betty Andreasson & Man Who Wrote About Her
April 21, 2005Betty Andreasson Luca is one of the great voices of theclose encounter experience. This week onDreamland,listen as she describes in detail what happened to her.Subscribers getto hear Whitley?s interview with Ray Fowler, who has beeninvestigating the Betty Andreasson case for... continued
Concerns about Ratzinger Grow
April 20, 2005Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of the world's largestcirculation Jewish magazine, TIKKUN, and rabbi ofBeyt Tikkun Synagogue in San Francisco, took the unusual stepof criticizing the choice made by the Catholic Church for itsnew Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger has pressedthe... continued
Deadly Flu Virus Samples Found
April 20, 2005Agence France-Press - All samples of adeadly fluvirus that were mistakenly sent abroad by a US institutehave now been accounted for, according to the World HealthOrganization. The H2N2 strain is similar to the 1957 fluvirus that killed up to four... continued
A GOOD Invasion of Privacy?
April 20, 2005Newswise - There are plenty of things that go on in Europe that most UScitizens don't want to happen here. Among them are hightaxes (for a correspondingly high level of social programs) andID cards that must be carried at all... continued
A Brain Chip That Can Read Your Mind
April 20, 2005A paralyzed US man has become the first person in the worldto have an brain implant that can read his mind. 25-year-oldMatthew Nagle, who was paralyzed from the neck down afterbeing attacked with a knife four years ago, can now... continued
Mars Life May Have Come From Asteroid
April 19, 2005There's a controversial theory making its way around thescientific community that says that life on Earth was seededby an asteroid from Mars, meaning we are all, essentially,Martians. But now astronomers think that an asteroid fromsomewhere else may have seeded life... continued
Genes Explain Why Asians Get Less Breast Cancer
April 19, 2005Newswise - It's long been known that Asian women have less breastcancer, and when they do develop the disease, they livelonger than other women. No one knew whether this was due totheir lifestyles or their genes. Now it's been discoveredthat... continued
Lethal Viruses Lost in Shipment
April 19, 2005Agence France-Presse - Some samples of adeadly fluvirus that a US institute sent out to more than 3,700laboratories around the world have disappeared on their wayto two of their destinations (in Lebanon and Mexico) theUN's health agency revealed Friday. So... continued
Why You Should Read This Book!
April 19, 2005We thinkBrainTrust, which talks about the possible connection betweenMad Cow Disease and Alzheimer's, is one of the mostimportant books in our store, so we have lowered the priceso that we're now selling it at the lowest price on theinternet! Don't... continued