Thousands Flee New Indian Ocean Eruption

April 18, 2005
Agence France-Presse - MORONI, April 18 (AFP) - Thousands of villagers living nearthe Mount Karthala volcano on the main island of GrandComore in the Indian Ocean Comoros archipelago have fledtheir homes after it erupted, officials said Monday."Almost 10,000 people have... continued

70 Foot Wave Strikes Cruise Ship

April 18, 2005
WASHINGTON, April 17 (AFP) - A freak wave towering areported 21 meters (70 feet) struck a luxury cruise ship inthe mid-Atlantic, forcing the 2,200-passenger capacity shipto port for repairs in South Carolina over the weekend.The 965 foot Norwegian Dawn was... continued

Volcanic Activity Rises Worldwide

April 18, 2005
On Thursday the Indonesian government placed 11 volcanoes oneruption watch, as volcanism continued to increaseworldwide and especially in the Indian Ocean area. On April12 alone, there was activity recorded at asurprisingly large number of volcanoes. Mt. St. Helens inthe US,... continued

Will There Ever be Female Priests?

April 18, 2005
Newswise - Will the next pope allow women to become priests? Probablynot, since conservative Cardinal Ratzinger has been voted inas Pope Benedict XVI. An Associated Press poll found that60% percent of U.S. Catholics think women should beordained, and U.S. religious... continued

Chinese Prejudiced Against Condi Because She’s Black Woman

April 17, 2005
China is one of those rare modern societies that is notracially mixed?the presence of different races in thepopulation, which is second nature to us, doesn't occurthere. Despite the popularity of U.S. media in China (andall over the world), even Caucasian... continued

Does Dandruff Change the Climate?

April 17, 2005
New Scientist reports that German atmospheric researcherRuprecht Jaenicke took air samples from Germany, Siberia,the Amazon rainforest, the Atlantic ocean and from bubblesin Greenland ice. When he analyzed the particles he found inthese samples, he found that 25% of them were... continued

Thousands of Salmon Missing

April 15, 2005
Where are the Salmon? More than 200,000 salmon should haveshown up in the Columbia river to spawn by now, but only afew hundred have been seen. The absence of the wild Chinooksalmon is a disturbing environmental mystery. The best casescenario... continued

Why Did the World Trade Towers Collapse?

April 14, 2005
There's been an unsubstantiated rumor flying around theinternet that "gonzo" journalist Hunter S. Thompson waswriting an article on the collapse of the World Trade Centerwhen he killed himself, implying that there remains asecretabout what made those towers collapse when planes... continued

Beetles Named for Politicians

April 14, 2005
Newswise - President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney andSecretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld may not all get alibrary, airport or highway named after them. But each hashad a slime-mold beetle named in his honor. Slime mold is an interesting... continued

Lethal Flu Virus Sent Around the World

April 13, 2005
In what was either an accident or abioterrorismattack, potentially lethal samples of the Asian flu weresent to laboratories around the world by a U.S. testingorganization. This flu strain appeared between 1957 and1968 and killed four million people worldwide. Was this... continued