Why Did the World Trade Towers Collapse?

April 14, 2005
There's been an unsubstantiated rumor flying around theinternet that "gonzo" journalist Hunter S. Thompson waswriting an article on the collapse of the World Trade Centerwhen he killed himself, implying that there remains asecretabout what made those towers collapse when planes... continued

Beetles Named for Politicians

April 14, 2005
Newswise - President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney andSecretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld may not all get alibrary, airport or highway named after them. But each hashad a slime-mold beetle named in his honor. Slime mold is an interesting... continued

Lethal Flu Virus Sent Around the World

April 13, 2005
In what was either an accident or abioterrorismattack, potentially lethal samples of the Asian flu weresent to laboratories around the world by a U.S. testingorganization. This flu strain appeared between 1957 and1968 and killed four million people worldwide. Was this... continued

This Week on Dreamland: Conspiracies of the Past?and Present!

April 13, 2005
Steven Sora is one of the best historical researchers weknow, and he's come out with two books at the same time, oneon his most recent Templar discoveries and the other onrelics?which are real and which are fake. And some of... continued

Worms Survived Columbia Breakup

April 12, 2005
Newswise - Not all life was lost in the Columbia breakup during thespace shuttle's reentry into the Earth?s atmosphere on Feb.1, 2003. Hundreds of tiny worms onboard for an experimentsurvived the tragedy. This bolsters the evidence that lifemay travel between... continued

Horrific Hailstorm Part of Global Warming

April 12, 2005
In a scenario right out of the film "The Day AfterTomorrow," Hailstones "as big as eggs" have killed 18 peopleand injured 25 in China. In one area, over 25,000 houseswere destroyed, along with local crops. Di Fang writes in the... continued

It’s Dangerous to be Too Clean

April 12, 2005
Newswise - You should not use antibacterial soaps and cleaningproducts, because they can expose you to high amounts ofchloroform. The chemical triclosan, which is present in manyof these products, reacts with tap water to form thedangerous chemical chloroform. Chloroform has... continued

Our Restless Earth: Quake Levels Stay High

April 11, 2005
Earthquakes struck Tokyo, Sumatra and New Zealand yesterday,and an unusually high level of intense quakes continued inthe Indian Ocean area. Dreamland guest Will Hart offers anInsightinto why this may be happening and what to expect in the future. Geologists believe... continued

Asteroid on the Way

April 11, 2005
Newswise - An asteroid the size of three football fields is scheduledto zoom past Earth on Friday, April 13, 2029, coming closerto us than many telecommunications satellites in orbit. Itwill be visible to the naked eye in several countries, butit's... continued

An End to PC Privacy

April 10, 2005
Think you're anonymous when you fire off a nasty letter onthe internet or peruse that forbidden porn site? A computerresearcher has found a way to track exactly what anycomputer is doing on the internet?so you could be beingwatched. Anonymous Internet... continued