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Marburg Virus Spreads to Europe
April 9, 2005The Marburg virus outbreak in Angola has spread to theDemocratic Republic of the Congo and to Italy, where ninecases have been reported. Marburg has a short chain ofcontagion, and is not considered as dangerous as Ebola. Atpresent, it is believed... continued
Ghost Detector on Sale Soon
April 8, 2005The Japanese company SolidAlliance has developed a ghostdetector called the GhostRader that plugs into yourcomputer. It beeps and flashes red lights in response tounusual magnetic waves. Ghost hunters often come acrossunusual cold areas in haunted houses, and the GhostRaderalso detects... continued
Whatever Happened to the Segway Revolution?
April 8, 2005Weren't we supposed to stop walking and driving and startusing Segways instead? Despite all the hype about this newinvention, it remains just a toy?and an expensive one, atthat. They've been purchased by a few post offices and bysome businesses with... continued
Europe Vitamin Ban Declared Illegal
April 7, 2005The proposed European Union ban on as many as 5,000 widelyused vitamin products has been declared illegal in theEuropean Court of Justice. The court's main legal adviserhas declared the ban "invalid." According to an advocate-general at the European Court ofJustice,... continued
Letter from Rome
April 7, 2005Unknowncountry.com has received the following letter from areader who is presently in Rome for the funeral of Pope JohnPaul II: I am writing you from Rometoday. It is the most blessed human experience I have everknown. I work in Milan... continued
MRSA Infection Now a Serious Problem
April 7, 2005The New England Journal of Medicine reports today that MRSA,Methecillin-resistant staph aureus, is now a serious problemin the general population, and recommends that all staphinfections be tested to determine if they are MRSA. MRSA is a severe form of staph... continued
This Week on Dreamland: Is Alzheimer’s Connected to Mad Cow Disease?
April 7, 2005This week,ColmKelleher tells the terrifying truth aboutMad CowDisease in the US and explains why he thinks it may beresponsible for the epidemic of Alzheimer's that iscurrently devastating so many seniors in this country.Autopsies of Alzheimer's patients show that they had... continued
Hunters Can Get Mad Cow from Game
April 7, 2005The first case of chronic wasting disease (the prion diseasesimilar to Mad Cow that affects deer, elk and other gameanimals) outside the Midwest region has been discovered in awhite-tailed deer in New York State. This makes it even moreimperative thathunters... continued
Butterflies & Laughing Dogs
April 6, 2005Have you ever wondered why butterflies are calledBUTTERflies? They should be called "flutter-bys" instead,because of their seemingly random flight patterns. In LewisCarroll's "Alice in Wonderland," illustrator John Tennieldrew illustrations of sticks of butter with wings on them.Now ornithologists have discovered... continued
Weather Alerts Continue
April 6, 2005A supercell over the southeastern US has caused unsettledweather conditions in Louisiana, Arkansas,Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Missouri and Tennessee. Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi declared a state ofemergency after 19 tornadoes were reported in the state thismorning, and during the day... continued