Our Restless Earth: Quake Levels Stay High

April 11, 2005
Earthquakes struck Tokyo, Sumatra and New Zealand yesterday,and an unusually high level of intense quakes continued inthe Indian Ocean area. Dreamland guest Will Hart offers anInsightinto why this may be happening and what to expect in the future. Geologists believe... continued

An End to PC Privacy

April 10, 2005
Think you're anonymous when you fire off a nasty letter onthe internet or peruse that forbidden porn site? A computerresearcher has found a way to track exactly what anycomputer is doing on the internet?so you could be beingwatched. Anonymous Internet... continued

What Early Man Ate

April 10, 2005
Newswise - While theories about what our human ancestors ate abound,and are touted in modern low carb diet books, which promotethe idea that ancient man ate meat and not carbohydrates,until now there have been few methods for proving any ofthese... continued

Unusual Light Appears Over Vatican

April 9, 2005
The light pictured here appeared over St. Peter's Basilica. Itwas 6:03 a.m. Italian time on the morning of April 8, 2005,6 hours before Pope John Paul II's funeral. AnUnknowncountry.com reader writes, "I watched this as ithappened live on TV. It... continued

Marburg Virus Spreads to Europe

April 9, 2005
The Marburg virus outbreak in Angola has spread to theDemocratic Republic of the Congo and to Italy, where ninecases have been reported. Marburg has a short chain ofcontagion, and is not considered as dangerous as Ebola. Atpresent, it is believed... continued

Ghost Detector on Sale Soon

April 8, 2005
The Japanese company SolidAlliance has developed a ghostdetector called the GhostRader that plugs into yourcomputer. It beeps and flashes red lights in response tounusual magnetic waves. Ghost hunters often come acrossunusual cold areas in haunted houses, and the GhostRaderalso detects... continued

Whatever Happened to the Segway Revolution?

April 8, 2005
Weren't we supposed to stop walking and driving and startusing Segways instead? Despite all the hype about this newinvention, it remains just a toy?and an expensive one, atthat. They've been purchased by a few post offices and bysome businesses with... continued

Europe Vitamin Ban Declared Illegal

April 7, 2005
The proposed European Union ban on as many as 5,000 widelyused vitamin products has been declared illegal in theEuropean Court of Justice. The court's main legal adviserhas declared the ban "invalid." According to an advocate-general at the European Court ofJustice,... continued

Letter from Rome

April 7, 2005
Unknowncountry.com has received the following letter from areader who is presently in Rome for the funeral of Pope JohnPaul II: I am writing you from Rometoday. It is the most blessed human experience I have everknown. I work in Milan... continued

MRSA Infection Now a Serious Problem

April 7, 2005
The New England Journal of Medicine reports today that MRSA,Methecillin-resistant staph aureus, is now a serious problemin the general population, and recommends that all staphinfections be tested to determine if they are MRSA. MRSA is a severe form of staph... continued