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Hunters Can Get Mad Cow from Game
April 7, 2005The first case of chronic wasting disease (the prion diseasesimilar to Mad Cow that affects deer, elk and other gameanimals) outside the Midwest region has been discovered in awhite-tailed deer in New York State. This makes it even moreimperative thathunters... continued
Butterflies & Laughing Dogs
April 6, 2005Have you ever wondered why butterflies are calledBUTTERflies? They should be called "flutter-bys" instead,because of their seemingly random flight patterns. In LewisCarroll's "Alice in Wonderland," illustrator John Tennieldrew illustrations of sticks of butter with wings on them.Now ornithologists have discovered... continued
Weather Alerts Continue
April 6, 2005A supercell over the southeastern US has caused unsettledweather conditions in Louisiana, Arkansas,Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Missouri and Tennessee. Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi declared a state ofemergency after 19 tornadoes were reported in the state thismorning, and during the day... continued
Phantom Panther Alert in UK
April 5, 2005Since January, there have been numerous phantom pantherattacks reported in the British press, and many moresightings throughout the country. In West Oxfordshire, ananimal that has been nicknamed "the Beast of Burford" hasbeen appearing in a farming community and killing sheep... continued
Riveting New Astological Predictions from Mahala
April 5, 2005Master Astrologer Mahala ofALCSeattle.com offers a newvision of the immediate future and some brilliant insightsinto the effects of the gamma ray burst that struck earth inlate December. She says "We are still reeling from the effects of thatGamma Ray Burst... continued
Autism Caused by Pollution
April 4, 2005There has been a raging controversy during the last fewyears about whether the mercury preservative in childhoodvaccines is the cause of autism, which is reaching epidemiclevels in the West. Some insist it is, while others say thatit only seems that... continued
Tsunami Jeopardy Still Real
April 4, 2005On March 17, scientists published a paper in Nature Magazineon the effects of the December 25 earthquake and tsunami inIndonesia. Eleven days later, another earthquake struck,almost exactly where they said it would, which producedanother gigantic tsunami wave. Unknowncountry.com posted anews... continued
Extinction?Is It Happening Now?
April 3, 2005The fossil records tell us that there have been severalmassive extinction events in the life of the Earth. We nowknow the reasons for some of them?for instance, thedinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid that broke intopieces upon impact, producing... continued
Ancient Gospel Confirmed Authentic
April 1, 2005Swiss researchers say have discovered that a previouslycontroversial gospel, "The Gospel of Judas," isauthentically from the period of Christ's life. The papyrusmanuscript was found in Egypt during the 1950s or 60s, butis being translated, for the first time, into English,French... continued
Pope John Paul II is Dead
April 1, 2005The Vatican announced at noon Pacific time that Pope JohnPaul II has died. He reigned as pope for 26 years, thesecond longest pontificate in history. During this time, hewas steadfastly conservative, an outspoken adherent toCatholic tradition. He was the 265th... continued