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Riveting New Astological Predictions from Mahala
April 5, 2005Master Astrologer Mahala ofALCSeattle.com offers a newvision of the immediate future and some brilliant insightsinto the effects of the gamma ray burst that struck earth inlate December. She says "We are still reeling from the effects of thatGamma Ray Burst... continued
Autism Caused by Pollution
April 4, 2005There has been a raging controversy during the last fewyears about whether the mercury preservative in childhoodvaccines is the cause of autism, which is reaching epidemiclevels in the West. Some insist it is, while others say thatit only seems that... continued
Tsunami Jeopardy Still Real
April 4, 2005On March 17, scientists published a paper in Nature Magazineon the effects of the December 25 earthquake and tsunami inIndonesia. Eleven days later, another earthquake struck,almost exactly where they said it would, which producedanother gigantic tsunami wave. Unknowncountry.com posted anews... continued
Extinction?Is It Happening Now?
April 3, 2005The fossil records tell us that there have been severalmassive extinction events in the life of the Earth. We nowknow the reasons for some of them?for instance, thedinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid that broke intopieces upon impact, producing... continued
Pope John Paul II is Dead
April 1, 2005The Vatican announced at noon Pacific time that Pope JohnPaul II has died. He reigned as pope for 26 years, thesecond longest pontificate in history. During this time, hewas steadfastly conservative, an outspoken adherent toCatholic tradition. He was the 265th... continued
Ancient Gospel Confirmed Authentic
April 1, 2005Swiss researchers say have discovered that a previouslycontroversial gospel, "The Gospel of Judas," isauthentically from the period of Christ's life. The papyrusmanuscript was found in Egypt during the 1950s or 60s, butis being translated, for the first time, into English,French... continued
Texas Enacts Leviticus as State Law
April 1, 2005Texas governor Rick Perry today signed into law the entiretyof the Bible?s Book of Leviticus after it passed both housesof the legislature by more than two-thirds majorities.Meanwhile, Congressman Tom DeLay forced a mandatorykneel-down prayer meeting in the U.S. Congress to... continued
Artificial Penis Escapes from Lab
April 1, 2005A robotic penis being tested at the government?s HumanAnalytics Facility in Orange County, California hasdisappeared. Officials said that the electrically poweredprosthetic has an internal guidance system, and may haveleft on its own after a power surge caused by a thunderstormmoving... continued
Art Bell Disappears into Mel’s Hole
April 1, 2005Famed late night chat-show host Art Bell has disappearedduring an expedition to Mel?s Hole, identified by the UnitedStates Geologic Survey as the deepest hole in the world.Bell?s long time associate, astrophysicist, geologist,planetologist and chef Richard C. Hoagland said that ahypersensitive... continued
Terry Schiavo Dies as Pope Goes on Feeding Tube
March 31, 2005After fifteen years on life support and thirteen dayswithout it, Terri Schindler Schiavo has died. At the sametime, Pope JohnPaul was placed on a feeding tube afterbecoming too weak to eat. Mrs Schiavo was a Catholic, and Catholic ethicist DennisMcCann,... continued