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Ancient Gospel Confirmed Authentic
April 1, 2005Swiss researchers say have discovered that a previouslycontroversial gospel, "The Gospel of Judas," isauthentically from the period of Christ's life. The papyrusmanuscript was found in Egypt during the 1950s or 60s, butis being translated, for the first time, into English,French... continued
Terry Schiavo Dies as Pope Goes on Feeding Tube
March 31, 2005After fifteen years on life support and thirteen dayswithout it, Terri Schindler Schiavo has died. At the sametime, Pope JohnPaul was placed on a feeding tube afterbecoming too weak to eat. Mrs Schiavo was a Catholic, and Catholic ethicist DennisMcCann,... continued
How the U.S. Can Run Without Oil
March 31, 2005Whitley and Anne Strieber were shocked to discover recentlythat it cost $40 to fill the gas tank of their small car. Itused to cost half that much. It's clear that the U.S. needsto stop relying on foreign oil, but how... continued
Pope Remains Gravely Ill
March 31, 2005The Vatican has announced thatPope John Paulhas been given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church.Unknowncountry's Vatican source reports that he has a highfever and his doctors are concerned that he may not surviveanother twenty-four hours. He has a... continued
Plenty of Fuel on the Ocean Floor
March 31, 2005We earlier wrote about a research group that has put out apaper, inconjunction with the Pentagon (the world's largest oilpurchaser), about how the U.S. can become a country that nolonger uses oil?or at least not as much of it. While... continued
Dreamland: Secrets of Our Founding Fathers
March 31, 2005Our founding fathers enacted an ancient vision of tolerance,moderation and freedom when they created the United Statesof America. Where did thisvisioncome from, and what are the threats that challenge it now?On this weekend'sDreamland,William Henry brings his deep knowledge to thissubject,... continued
Mind Control Doctor’s Profile of Hitler Made Available
March 30, 2005Newswise - A rare 1943 document -- a psychological analysis of thepersonality of Adolph Hitler that predicted, among otherthings, his eventual suicide -- is now available on theCornell Law Library's Web site, at:thislink. The profile was written by Henry Murray,... continued
Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us Part II
March 30, 2005Newswise - We recently put up a story about how the U.S. looks to the Chinese. Howdo Europeans view America? Is it life, liberty and thepursuit of happiness? Or is it blue jeans, MTV andhamburgers with a side of "freedom... continued
Bird Breathalyzer Tests
March 29, 2005Newswise - In Utah, birds are being given "breathalyzer" tests. Nope,cops aren't stopping them for flying too fast?a biologist istrying to determine whether sparrows and warblers aremigrating under the influence of bayberries, gnats, or otherfoods, in an effort to help... continued
Will We Have Bird Flu Vaccine Before We Desperately Need It?
March 29, 2005The news about bird flu is getting scarier every day. Rightnow it?s confined to Asia, but like SARS, it will travel towhere you are soon. Researchers now think there are definitecases of one person passing it to another, meaning it... continued