Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us Part II

March 30, 2005
Newswise - We recently put up a story about how the U.S. looks to the Chinese. Howdo Europeans view America? Is it life, liberty and thepursuit of happiness? Or is it blue jeans, MTV andhamburgers with a side of "freedom... continued

Will We Have Bird Flu Vaccine Before We Desperately Need It?

March 29, 2005
The news about bird flu is getting scarier every day. Rightnow it?s confined to Asia, but like SARS, it will travel towhere you are soon. Researchers now think there are definitecases of one person passing it to another, meaning it... continued

Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us

March 29, 2005
We are constantly being reminded that China is an oppressivesociety with prisons full of political detainees and minimalhuman rights, but now it has released a report on US humanrights abuses that makes it painfully clear that our countryhas lost the... continued

Bird Breathalyzer Tests

March 29, 2005
Newswise - In Utah, birds are being given "breathalyzer" tests. Nope,cops aren't stopping them for flying too fast?a biologist istrying to determine whether sparrows and warblers aremigrating under the influence of bayberries, gnats, or otherfoods, in an effort to help... continued

Belief in God Inherited

March 28, 2005
Belief in God can literally be carried in your DNA, meaningyou inherit it from your parents. While environmentalfactors, such as taking kids to church or placing them inreligious schools, plays a part in whether children believein God, new research into... continued

Blacks & Whites See Things Differently

March 28, 2005
Newswise - Race matters when it comes to interpreting facialexpressions. When whites see the same computer generatedfacial expressions on both whites and blacks, they interpretthe black expressions as looking more hostile. Psychologist Kurt Hugenberg says such misperceptions mayhelp explain how... continued

Massive Quake Off Sumatra–Many May Be Dead

March 28, 2005
Thousands may have died in the region of a new Indian Oceanearthquake, that measured 8.7 on the Richter scale. Thequake did not generate any tsunamis, but there has beenextensive damage to structures in the area, especially on the hard-hit island... continued

Burnt Rubber Doll Mistaken for Alien

March 27, 2005
Citizens of Aracruz in Brazil were startled to see afireball cross the sky on the night of March 28. A few hourslater, the town was rocked by the discovery of what appearedto be a badly burned alien on one of... continued

Do You Think Like a Man or a Woman?

March 27, 2005
In a recent speech, Lawrence Summers, the president ofHarvard University, caused a controversy by suggesting thatthere may be fewer women mathematicians because women havedifferent brain structures than men. Although this speechraised the ire of feminists, it happens to be true:scientists... continued

New Use for the Swastika

March 27, 2005
At the same time that the European Union wants to ban alldepictions of the dreaded Nazi swastika, scientists arefinding it has a role in optics and cryptography. Hitler didnot invent the swastika, he only "borrowed" it, since it wasa symbol... continued