Blacks & Whites See Things Differently

March 28, 2005
Newswise - Race matters when it comes to interpreting facialexpressions. When whites see the same computer generatedfacial expressions on both whites and blacks, they interpretthe black expressions as looking more hostile. Psychologist Kurt Hugenberg says such misperceptions mayhelp explain how... continued

Massive Quake Off Sumatra–Many May Be Dead

March 28, 2005
Thousands may have died in the region of a new Indian Oceanearthquake, that measured 8.7 on the Richter scale. Thequake did not generate any tsunamis, but there has beenextensive damage to structures in the area, especially on the hard-hit island... continued

Burnt Rubber Doll Mistaken for Alien

March 27, 2005
Citizens of Aracruz in Brazil were startled to see afireball cross the sky on the night of March 28. A few hourslater, the town was rocked by the discovery of what appearedto be a badly burned alien on one of... continued

Do You Think Like a Man or a Woman?

March 27, 2005
In a recent speech, Lawrence Summers, the president ofHarvard University, caused a controversy by suggesting thatthere may be fewer women mathematicians because women havedifferent brain structures than men. Although this speechraised the ire of feminists, it happens to be true:scientists... continued

New Use for the Swastika

March 27, 2005
At the same time that the European Union wants to ban alldepictions of the dreaded Nazi swastika, scientists arefinding it has a role in optics and cryptography. Hitler didnot invent the swastika, he only "borrowed" it, since it wasa symbol... continued

ABC Special Ignored UFO Evidence

March 27, 2005
In our latestinsight,CSETI director Stephen Greer writes about the Peter JenningsABC special on UFOs: "Of course, the title of the show was?Peter Jennings Reporting??if only that were so. This is thestory of how, once again, the corrupt Big Media hasdefrauded... continued

Astonishing Dinosaur Finding

March 25, 2005
Newswise - Paleontologists have been stunned by the discovery of softtissue from dinosaurs. The tissue is 68 to 80 million yearsold, and some of it remains pliant. The tissue from aTyrannosaurus Rex tissue is virtually identical to a modernostrich. The... continued

No Medical Ethics for the Poor

March 25, 2005
Newswise - We've recently read scandalous stories about how the CIAfarms out torture by returning detainees to countries thatdo not hesitate to use these methods in order to obtaininformation. Now it's been announced that the FDA hasdecided that the widely... continued

Whitley’s Journal: A Heartbreaking Decision

March 25, 2005
In Whitley?s latestJournal, he talksabout the Schiavo case, and says, "In the past few years,twice had to make similar decisions. In both cases, thevictims had living wills, but, believe me, when you arealone with the question of whether or not... continued

Mysterious Black Holes Suck Up Matter

March 24, 2005
Newswise - Black holes in space are a mystery. Astrophysicists believed they can swallow up nearby matter, but until recently, theyhaven't understood what draws matter close to black holes inthe first place. Want to understand black holes? The bestway to... continued