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New Use for the Swastika
March 27, 2005At the same time that the European Union wants to ban alldepictions of the dreaded Nazi swastika, scientists arefinding it has a role in optics and cryptography. Hitler didnot invent the swastika, he only "borrowed" it, since it wasa symbol... continued
ABC Special Ignored UFO Evidence
March 27, 2005In our latestinsight,CSETI director Stephen Greer writes about the Peter JenningsABC special on UFOs: "Of course, the title of the show was?Peter Jennings Reporting??if only that were so. This is thestory of how, once again, the corrupt Big Media hasdefrauded... continued
Astonishing Dinosaur Finding
March 25, 2005Newswise - Paleontologists have been stunned by the discovery of softtissue from dinosaurs. The tissue is 68 to 80 million yearsold, and some of it remains pliant. The tissue from aTyrannosaurus Rex tissue is virtually identical to a modernostrich. The... continued
No Medical Ethics for the Poor
March 25, 2005Newswise - We've recently read scandalous stories about how the CIAfarms out torture by returning detainees to countries thatdo not hesitate to use these methods in order to obtaininformation. Now it's been announced that the FDA hasdecided that the widely... continued
Whitley’s Journal: A Heartbreaking Decision
March 25, 2005In Whitley?s latestJournal, he talksabout the Schiavo case, and says, "In the past few years,twice had to make similar decisions. In both cases, thevictims had living wills, but, believe me, when you arealone with the question of whether or not... continued
Mysterious Black Holes Suck Up Matter
March 24, 2005Newswise - Black holes in space are a mystery. Astrophysicists believed they can swallow up nearby matter, but until recently, theyhaven't understood what draws matter close to black holes inthe first place. Want to understand black holes? The bestway to... continued
On Dreamland: Peter Levenda Reveals the Truth about Colonia Dignidad
March 24, 2005Nazi cult leader Paul Sch NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
An Incredible Weekend on Dreamland!
March 24, 2005Nazis, new planets and theArk of theCovenant?what a week it is on Dreamland! This week, wejourney deep into the middle east in search of the Ark ofthe Covenant with British author and adventurer GrahamPhillips. You will learn more about the... continued
Why Babies Resemble Their Dads
March 23, 2005In 1995, in a study published in Nature magazine, aresearcher asked 122 people to try to match the pictures ofchildren they didn't know with photos of their mothers andfathers. They correctly paired about half of the infantswith their fathers, but... continued
Plants Bypass Bad Genes?Can We Do It Too?
March 23, 2005Newswise - In the mid-1800s, a monk named Gregor Mendel experimentedwith bean plants and developed the first scientific laws ofinheritance. These ideas have been accepted by science forover 100 years, but now they've suddenly been eclipsed by anew study, showing... continued