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Why Don’t Christians Believe in an Afterlife?
March 22, 2005Anne Strieber writes in her newDiary: "I have alwaysbeen puzzled by Christians who oppose theidea of disabled and severely ill people ending their lives.I feel this way about Terri Schiavo, the brain dead Floridawoman whose parents oppose the removal of... continued
Creating a Human Body Computer
March 21, 2005Someday we may be able to take the internet with us whereverwe go, because our own bodies will be able to function ascomputers. No more searching for a Wi-Fi caf NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site,... continued
Whitley’s Journal: What It Means to be a Christian
March 20, 2005Whitley writes in his newJournal: "It's Palm Sunday and time to begin, once again, aremarkable journey. Over the next week we will relive aseries of events that have been revered and disputed for twothousand years, the passion and resurrection of... continued
Asian Tsunami Could Strike Again
March 20, 2005The earthquake off the coast of Sumatra that triggered thelate December 26 tsunami has increased stress on the seabedfault zone, raising the chances of another earthquake, whichwould lead to another tsunami. Seismologists don't know howsoon another earthquake will occur, but... continued
India Blasts Linked to Seismic Activity
March 19, 2005Indian geologists believe that a series of thunderousexplosions heard in the Kutch and Saurashtra regions ofGujarat in India may be related to seismic activity. Gujaratis located on the Arabian Seanorth of Mumbai (Bombay).A total of 384 tremors took place in... continued
Dangerous Bacteria in Popular Chicken Brands
March 18, 2005A whopping 96% of Tyson and 43% of Perdue chickens have beenfound to contain the dangerous drug-resistant bacteriaCampylobacter while only 5% Eberle and 13% of Bell and Evanschickens showed signs of the presence of the bacterium. According to researchers at... continued
Human Rice
March 17, 2005The USDA may approve a genetically-modified strain of ricethat contains human genes. Rice is self pollinating, soit will not cross pollinate with rice plants in nearbyfields, but it will mix with other varieties during storageand handling, meaning that it may... continued
This Week?s Dreamland: The Coming Magnetic Pole Shift and BEYOND
March 17, 2005We've got two outstanding shows for you this week. First, onDreamland, Loren Coleman, author ofThe Copycat Effect, has aspecial report for us on the horrific rash of copycatmurders that took place last week. Then we go on to exploreeverything from... continued
Why Low Carb Diets Work
March 16, 2005Newswise - Many dieters have found that a diet low in carbohydrates,such as the Atkins or Protein Power diets, are the only waythey can lose weight and some people have lost an amazingnumber of pounds by following this regimen. But... continued
Caribbean Tsunami Could Be on the Way
March 16, 2005After the recent devastating loss of life from the DecemberIndonesian tsunami, geophysicists are searching for otherareas where the same kind of disaster may be lurking due topotential underwater earthquake activity. Now they saythere's a real danger that the Caribbean will... continued