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Do We Have a Death Wish?
March 15, 2005In his latestJournal, Whitleywrites: "Unfortunately, we are in a time of horrific crisisfar beyond anything I imagined when Art Bell and I wroteSuperstorm. It is so much worse than I expected then that Ialmost can't believe what I am seeing."... continued
Phoenix Lights Film Held Over
March 14, 2005The documentary film The Phoenix Lights, produced by Dr.Lynne Kitei, has been held over, so if you missed it, younow have another chance to see it. Screenings will be heldon Sunday, March 20 at 1 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7... continued
Seattle Fireball, Quake, Power Outage
March 13, 2005Unknowcountry's Seattle correspondent reports that afireball moved slowly over the city at 7:47 PM on March 12. According to the US Geologic Survey, the area hadexperienced an earthquake rated at 3.3 on the Richter scalenine minutes earlier at 7:38. At... continued
It’s Earthquake Week on Dreamland
March 11, 2005It's earthquake week on Dreamland. We lead off with a reportfrom Linda Howe about the earthquake swarm that took placeoff the coast of Oregon last week. Does it mean a majorquake is on the way that could strike the Pacific... continued
Burglar Snacks
March 11, 2005How to catch that burglar who made off with your stereo? Thepolice have a new way to do it?they've found that burglarsoften can't resist raiding the refrigerator and theysometimes leave saliva behind on crumbs and partially eatenfood containing DNA that... continued
Anne’s Diary: Healing
March 10, 2005In her latest diary, Anne Strieber writes about what it'slike to come back from death and how it feels to heal. Shealso has an interesting revelation about her recent neardeath experience with her cat. To read her new diaryentry, click... continued
Tiny Ancestors
March 10, 2005Some of our ancestors, who lived in Indonesia as recently as18,000 years ago, had tiny brains that were only about athird the size of modern human brains, yet they were capableof advanced thinking equal to our own. Scientists arecalling them... continued
Is a Supervolcano on the Way?
March 10, 2005There are enough supervolcanoes on Earth to wipe out much ofthe planet and they may "wake up" much sooner than wethought. Supervolcanoes explode with a force that isthousands of times that of a normal volcanic eruption.Earthquake experts once thought it... continued
Scientist Wins Top Religion Prize
March 9, 2005U.S. scientist Charles Townes, who in 1964 won the NobelPrize for physics, has won another award, which will pay himover $150,000 for his efforts to advance spiritualknowledge. How can one man win two such different prizes?He's discovered what we've been... continued
Got Milk? Maybe You Don’t Need It
March 9, 2005We've all seen billboards with movie stars wearing milkmustaches, bearing the slogan "Got Milk?" The absorption ofcalcium requires the activity of specialized cells calledosteoblasts, which move calcium into your bones, andosteoclasts. If too much calcium gets into your bones, heosteoclasts... continued