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Got Milk? Maybe You Don’t Need It
March 9, 2005We've all seen billboards with movie stars wearing milkmustaches, bearing the slogan "Got Milk?" The absorption ofcalcium requires the activity of specialized cells calledosteoblasts, which move calcium into your bones, andosteoclasts. If too much calcium gets into your bones, heosteoclasts... continued
AOL Users Getting ‘Banned’ Notices from Message Board
March 8, 2005Some AOL users are getting notices that they have been'banned' from our message board. We do not yet know why theyare getting this message, because we have not banned any AOLusers. If this has happened to you, keep reading to... continued
186 MPH Cyclone Aims at Australia
March 8, 2005Cyclone Ingrid, with winds measured at 186miles per hour on Monday, is heading toward Australia. Thisis themost powerful storm to hit the Queensland areasince 1918, and among the most powerful cyclones on record.It is poised to strike northern Queensland, and... continued
Earthquake Swarm Off Oregon Coast
March 7, 2005A swarm that has now reached over 3,500 small earthquakesbegan last weekendoff the Oregon coast, but officials insist that they do notpose any tsunami threat, even though part of the affectedocean floor is similar to the area in the Indian... continued
Do You Have Aggressive Fingers?
March 7, 2005The length of a man's fingers reveals how physicallyaggressive he is. The shorter the index finger is comparedto the ring finger, the more aggressive the man. This is aresult of how much testosterone a fetus was exposed to inthe womb.... continued
Why Did the Pope Get the Flu?
March 6, 2005Wonder why the Pope didn't get a flu shot this year? If hehad, he probably wouldn't have the flu right now. Theanswer? He probably doesn't really have the flu. The Pope receives the best medical care the world has tooffer,... continued
We’re Not Prepared for Upcoming Flu Epidemic
March 6, 2005The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control haswarned that the outbreak of bird flu in Asia is the singlebiggest threat facing the world today. Right now, bird flucan only be caught directly from infected birds?usuallychickens?but there are signs... continued
Subscriber Guest on History Channel Monday
March 4, 2005For subscribersthis week, Whitley interviews anthropologist George Erikson,who says, "I have an hour long show on the History Channelon my theories of Atlantis as connected to Maya myth and the2012 End Date. It will be called 'Lost Atlantis' and it... continued
Want to Know the Future? Read Stephen King
March 4, 2005In our latestInsight,Michael Goodspeed points out that famous horror authorStephen King's fiction is surprisingly successful atpredicting real future events. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Science Explains the Paranormal on Dreamland
March 3, 2005This week on Dreamland, physicistClaudeSwanson reports on the building scientific evidence of theparanormal. Listen as he tells the spellbinding andempowering story of new scientific findings that explainthings like parallel universes, psychic forces,teleportation and much more. He explains the power ofprayer,... continued