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Chiropractic Treatments Really Work
March 2, 2005Newswise - While many of us turn to our chiropractor when we develop asore back, there has long been controversy about whether ornot chiropractic techniques really ?work.? Some doctors sendtheir patients to chiropractors, while others thinkchiropractors are out of date... continued
We Can Now Be Invisible
March 1, 2005Several clothing manufacturers have experimented with acloak ofinvisibility you can wear around, but now researchers thinkthey can use this technology for something much moreimportant: making warplanes and spacecraft invisible. Thetrick: Light scattering. We can see objects becauselight bounces off them,... continued
Dangerous Ice Blocks Again Falling from Sky
February 28, 2005The mystery offalling blocksof ice continues. As always, reporters of the most recentevent have no idea that this is a worldwide, recurringphenomenon, and that it is most likely caused by atmosphericchanges related to global warming. Mile Frazier of the Illinois... continued
Why Does NASA Deny There is Life on Mars?
February 28, 2005It started with the original Viking Lander missions in theseventies: one of the life detection projects providedalmost unequivocal evidence that life was present in thesoil of Mars. Instead of even entertaining the notion that the tests mighthave indicated life, NASA... continued
Bizarre Greenland Winter Heat Wave
February 27, 2005As a book rose on the US bestseller lists claiming thatglobal warming was a "scam," and conservative radio hostsnationwide began claiming that this year's harsh wintermeant that the problem was 'bunk,' increasingly catastrophicsigns of impending sudden climate change continued to... continued
Tobacco Companies Lied About Secondhand Smoke
February 25, 2005Newswise - It's recently been proven that secondhand tobacco smoke isextremely dangerous for nonsmokers and actually causeschromosomalbreakage in the fetuses of pregnant women. Now it's beenrevealed that in 1987, tobacco industry executives at PhilipMorris deliberately planted lies in a journal... continued
Thunderbirds?They’re Out There
February 25, 2005This week on Dreamland,Mark Hall takes us on an adventure in search of mysterious giant birds, which may still exist right here in the UnitedStates. Then Linda Howe explores the mystery of whysocieties self-destruct, and why we might be going... continued
Whitley Debunks UFO TV Show
February 25, 2005Whitley writes in his latestJournal: "The much heralded ABC special on UFOs has comeand gone. Predictably, it was more of the same, a largenumber of lies sprinkled with a few truths. At least itwasn't as relentlessly negative as such programs... continued
Triangle UFOs are Everywhere
February 23, 2005Mysterious black triangles have been reported in Canada andMaryland, and now Dr. Mark Olson of Sonora, California hastaken spectacular video oftwo of them. Asighting of a huge black triangle was reported toUnknowncountry.com over West Hollywood, California onFebruary 5, but no... continued
What Race are You?
February 22, 2005Newswise - The races identified in the U.S. census are: white(Caucasian), black (African-American), Hispanic (usuallySpanish speaking natives from South America), NativeAmerican (American Indians) and Asian. The problem is thatpeople are allowed to check more than one box in reply toracial... continued