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ESA Says Life Likely on Mars–NASA Says No
February 18, 2005Ever since the U.S. and Europe first sent probes to Mars,the big question has been: is there life there? Manyscientists think that life on Earth was "seeded" by bacteriaarriving from Mars on asteroids. Yesterday, NASA scientistswere said to be claiming... continued
This Week on Dreamland: A Secret Hall of Records
February 18, 2005Last week on Dreamland a prominent scientist said franklythat theAkashicRecord was real, and that the ancients must have understoodmore about it than we do now. This week, Greg Little joinsco-host William Henry to discuss his journey to the Yucatanin search... continued
Powerful Quake Strikes Indonesia
February 18, 2005Unknowncountry sources in Australia report that a powerfulearthquake has struck Indonesia. The quake took place at 4:04 PM PSTand was measured at 6.9 on the Richter scale. Because theepicenter was 8 miles deep, little damage was done on thesurface, but... continued
Magnetic Motors Described in Secret School
February 17, 2005In his book The Secret School, which tells the story of hischildhood UFO encounters, Whitley recalls being in a UFOpowered by a motor made out of magnets. Now twocompanies?one in Japan and the other in Germany?have madesimilar magnetic motors. Andsubscribers... continued
We’ve Been Here Longer Than We Thought
February 17, 2005Newswise - When the bones of two early humans were found in 1967 nearKibish, Ethiopia, they were thought to be 130,000 years old.A few years ago, researchers found 154,000- to160,000-year-old human bones at Herto, Ethiopia. Now, a newstudy of the... continued
Do Gun Laws Help Reduce Violence?
February 16, 2005Newswise - Despite the many laws that have been passed regarding gunregistration requirements, bans on specific firearms and"zero tolerance" policies for guns in schools, it?s stillnot known if these laws help prevent gun violence. The TaskForce on Community Preventive Services... continued
Pacific Typhoons Could Become Monster
February 16, 2005Two powerful Pacific typhoons could merge over the next fewdays in a rare event that will generate a monster storm thatcould threaten the entire Pacific region. The Australian-Pacific Center for Emergency and DisasterInformation has graded Olaf as a Category 4... continued
Debunking 911 Conspiracies
February 15, 2005In its recent issue,PopularMechanics Magazine offers an article 'debunking' the '911Myths.' These alleged myths include the notion that therewas something attached to the lower fuselage of one of theplanes, that the Air Force failed to adequately respond tothe crisis, and... continued
Effort to Lift Terminator Seed Ban
February 15, 2005The Monsanto Corporation, infamous for its efforts to'corner' water rights and spread genetically modified foodsworldwide, has now embarked once again on a campaign to getinternational approval for 'terminator' seeds, which havelimited germination potiential, becoming sterile after oneor two generations. When... continued
Predicting the Future with Random Numbers?
February 14, 2005The Global ConsciousnessProject is in the process of developing data that suggeststhat there is a level of human emotion or thought that cancollectively affect random number generators, and that it isat least somewhat predictive of large scale negative events,especially those... continued