An Extraordinary UFO Photo?

February 13, 2005
This exceptionally beautiful UFO photo was taken with acellphone camera, and is an example of a type of photo thatis likely to appear more often now that cameras incellphones and personal digital assistants that people carrywith them all the time... continued

Anne Strieber is Back With Mysterious Powers

February 11, 2005
When Anne Strieber suffered a cerebral hemorrhage on October16, 2004, Mysterious Powers was placed on hiatus, with noidea of when or if the program would return. She is nowfully recovered, and Mysterious Powers is back with a veryappropriate return program... continued

Taste Tests

February 11, 2005
Newswise - Organically and conventionally grown potatoes can be toldapart by flavor, but only if the skins are left on. Andwhether you prefer Pepsi or Coke depends on which one youTHINK you'll like best. A panel of fifteen taste testers... continued

A Gay Gene

February 10, 2005
Newswise - Scientists have looked in vain for years for a gay gene, andnow a researcher may have finally found one. By searchingthe entire human genome for genetic markers for male sexualorientation, he has identified several areas that appear toinfluence... continued

Mystery Disease Plaguing LA, San Francisco, Austin, Other Areas

February 10, 2005
An unknown disease is hitting Los Angeles, San Francisco,Austin and other areas, and ifit's not actually a new disease, doctors think it must bemass hysteria. People are getting lesions on their bodiesthat are filledwith strange, string-like fibers. The lesions start... continued

Triangular UFOs Seen Over Paris

February 9, 2005
In an eerie reprise of one of the world's great UFO flaps,the Belgian incidents of 1989, a huge triangular object wasobserved over Paris two nights ago. The object, recreatedhere by French UFO observer Mathieu Cozanet, was seen atabout 9:50 PM,... continued

Strange Streak in Hawaii

February 8, 2005
A strange streak of light was seen in the skies abovethe Hawaiian Islands last December. It turns out that theNight Sky Live (NSL) projecthas web cameras continuously watching the nightsky?searching for UFOs? That's probably not part of theproject's mission description,... continued

What Will 2012 Bring?

February 8, 2005
The Mayan calendar shows the world ending in 2012?could thisbe true?Will Hartinvestigated this personally, and has important answers forus. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

License to Clone

February 8, 2005
The U.K. has given Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute inScotland, the scientist who created Dolly the sheep (theworld's first cloned mammal), a license to clone humanembryos for medical research. The clones will be used tocreate stem cells for research... continued

CIA Nazi Connection to be Revealed

February 7, 2005
The CIA, after two years of pressure from Congress, hasfinally agreed to disclose classified records about itsrelationship with Nazi war criminals. The CIA doesacknowledge working with the Nazi S.S. These records maycontain revelations about the actions of Nazis who wereallowed... continued