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Sleepwalking Towards Apocalypse
February 6, 2005In the future, historians may wonder how we sleepwalked ourway into ecological disaster. The UN's Rajendra Pachaurisays the CO2 which causes global warming has reached"dangerous" levels. Stephen Byers, who reports to PrimeMinister Tony Blair on global warming, says we could... continued
At This Restaurant You Can Eat the Menu
February 6, 2005Homaro Cantu doesn't use fish to make sushi at the Motorestaurant in Chicago?he prints images of sushi on ediblepaper made out of soybeans and cornstarch, using edible ink.Chicago is a town that's famous for its unusual eateries?itonce had a restaurant... continued
We Actually Use Most of Our Brains
February 6, 2005There's a myth that we only use 10% of our brains, but aresearcher has discovered that we actually use about 80%,mostly on tasks that take place outside of our consciousknowledge. However, this activity does not take place inyoung children, so... continued
England’s X Files Opened
February 4, 2005This week,subscribers toUnknowncountry.com get an important interview with BritishMinistry of Defense official Nick Pope on the recent releaseof massive numbers of UFO documents by the Britishgovernment under their new Freedom of Information Act. Mr.Pope made headlines worldwide in the mid... continued
Dreamland: Earthquake Special & Greatest UFO Case Ever
February 4, 2005This week onDreamland,we lead off with a 15 minute special report on theextraordinary worldwide earthquake situation with LindaMoulton Howe's interview of a USGS seismologist. ThenWhitley interviews Frank Feschino, who has spent twentyyears researching what has turned out to be the... continued
Found: 7 Percent of the Universe
February 3, 2005Newswise - A big part of the universe has been missing for 10 billionyears, since the time when the stars first formed, but nowscientists have solved the mystery. Where is it? It'sfloating in super-hot rivers of gas that are invisible... continued
UFO Investigator Kenny Young Dead
February 2, 2005One of America's most skilled and important UFOinvestigators, Kenny Young, has died of cancer at age 38.Kenny has had the disease for some time, but requested thatWhitley Strieber, who followed his career closely, notdisclose his illness publicly. Kenny was a... continued
Prehistory?Not the Way You Think It Was
February 2, 2005Our science textbooks told tales of tiny mammals (ourancestors) huddling in fear from the gigantic dinosaursroaming the world, but it wasn't that way at all. Andmillions of years later, the early humans known asNeanderthals had beautiful soprano singing voices. Jeff... continued
Elmendorf Beast is Back
February 2, 2005The Elmendorf beast is back, and this time it's healthy andattacking people and animals in California. These oddanimals, apparent mixes between coyotes and dogs, created asensation when two of them were shot in Texas. Dismissed asmere oddities, the fact that... continued
Bird Flu May Be on the Way Here
January 31, 2005In the U.S., many of us are still trying to get our yearlyflu shots. There was an earlier shortage of vaccine, but nowthere should be plenty to go around and you don't need to beelderly or infirm in order to... continued