Shroud Could Have Been Burial Cloth of Jesus

January 28, 2005
In recent years, skeptics have dismissed the Shroud of Turinas a Medieval fake. Some have even said it was created byLeonardo da Vinci. But new evidence shows that the clothfrom the shroud that researchers were using to carbon dateit was... continued

New 911 Information on Dreamland

January 28, 2005
The 911 Commission Final Report has slammed the media doorshut on what really happened on that awful day. But thenSecretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made a couple of "slipsof the tongue," where he said that Flight 93 was shot down,and... continued

Climate Change Will be Worse Than We Thought

January 27, 2005
Despite some extreme weather events recently, most of usremain untouched by global warming, making it easy toconsider it an abstract theory?something that's not reallygoing to affect us. A recent novel says it's all a left wingplot, which is even more... continued

Stay Healthy: Don’t Make the Bed

January 26, 2005
Hate to make your bed in the morning? Don't do it?you'llstay healthier. It's not just your mother who wants you tomake your bed, dust mites do too. While an unmade bed looksmessy, it does keep those mites away. These tiny... continued

How UFOs Fly

January 25, 2005
Three French physicists say they've figured out how UFOengines work. The scientists claim they use a combination ofelectromagnetic and nuclear power and they have built amodel UFO engine at the French Astronomical Observatory inMarseilles. Jean-Pierre Petit, Claude Poher and Maurice... continued

Microbiologist Murders

January 25, 2005
In the past few years, there have been a series of mysterious deaths of microbiologists. The death of retiredprofessor Jeong Im is the latest. The 72-year-old scientistwas stabbed to death in a parking garage on the Universityof Missouri campus, put... continued

Johnny Carson: In Fond Memory by Whitley Strieber

January 24, 2005
I remember Johnny Carson with the greatest respect andfondness. Back when Communion was just published, mypublicist suddenly got a call from his office. He wanted meon his program. At the time, I was being grilled alive ontelevision. I had sat... continued

Bush Appointee Warns About Climate Change

January 24, 2005
After Exxon complained that the U.S. government's last UNIPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) chairman,Robert Watson, was being too hard on them, Bush backedRajendra Pachauri for the post, assuming that he wouldsupport our government's stance on climate change. NowPachauri is... continued

We’re Back!

January 23, 2005 was unreachable online for approximately5 hours on Sunday, due to the fact that its host,,was shut down by a power failure in downtown Toronto. The powerfailure was due to a broken water main and has been repaired. NOTE:... continued

Seabirds Covered with Oil?But No Oil Leak

January 22, 2005
Sea birds are landing on California?s beaches covered withoil, but there is no oil leak in the ocean. Scientistsstudying the situation say the oil is not coming upnaturally from the ocean floor. They are planning to analyzethe oil coming off... continued