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Satellite Mysteriously Quits
January 20, 2005In an extremely rare event, a communications satellite hasstopped communicating, resulting in no telephone service for10 South Pacific nations. The hundred million dollar IS-804satellite stopped relaying phone calls on Saturday. It'sprobably still in orbit, but no longer pointing its antennaetoward... continued
Balls of Fire in India
January 20, 2005Huge balls of fire are being seen in the skies of India, andthey aren't asteroids or plane crashes. They are accompaniedby deafening explosions. In one village, trees began swaying and dishes fell offshelves. People panicked and ran from their houses.Incredibly... continued
Robert Bruce and ‘Angel Light’ on Dreamland
January 19, 2005First, Whitley talks to Robert Bruce about his incrediblyeffective new method of inducing out-of-body travel, thenLinda Howe interviews Troy Hurtubise, who claims he hasinvented a field that can see through literally anything,from walls to blocks of lead. You listen to... continued
Japan Issues Honshu Tsunami Warning
January 19, 2005A powerful 6.3 earthquake struck off the coast of Honshu,Japan at 10:38 PM Pacific time Tuesday. A short time later,the Japanese Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warningbased on the action of warning buoys in the earthquake area. The magnitude 6.3... continued
Nine Quakes Strike New Zealand, Japan
January 19, 2005Seven earthquakes ranging up to 4.3 in intensity struck NewZealand's North Island within a few hours of each otherTuesday, while 6+ quakes struck off Japan's Honshu Islandand in Hokkaido. The quake of Honshu prompted the JapaneseMeteorological Agency to issue a... continued
Mysterious Lights in the Sky
January 19, 2005Mysterious lights are being seen in the sky all around theworld?and one was even from the Space Shuttle Columbia, justdays before it blew apart on February 1st, 2003! Some of theplaces the lights have been spotted are Indonesia,Australia, the U.K.... continued
ETs are Here
January 19, 2005Have you noticed? Or was thestory like the"elephant in the room"--so big you didn't really see it?It's the kind of news you only find HERE, onunknowncountry.com. In her newdiary, Anne Strieberpoints out how exciting this news really is, and how... continued
Are You a Redhead?
January 18, 2005If you have red hair, your ancestors may have beenNeanderthals. British scientists think that the gene for redhair, and the freckles that come with it, is around 100,000years old, and originated with Neanderthals. Whether or notthey interbred with Homo Sapiens,... continued
Our World is Changing?Soon Yours Will Be Too
January 18, 2005Sheila Watt-Cloutier is a Inuit leader who is taking a standagainst global warming, because her world is melting. She was elected as the head of the Inuit CircumpolarConference, which represents the 155,000 Inuit who live inAlaska, Canada, Greenland and Chukotka,... continued
The Sun is Getting Dimmer
January 17, 2005Scientists have noticed that the sun is getting dimmer. Airpollution is the problem--but if we clean up the pollutionthat cools down the Earth by dimming the sun, will weincrease global warming? The answer, alas, is yes. David Sington writes in... continued