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Rat Talk
January 10, 2005Newswise - Scientists have discovered that mammals other than humanscan tell which language we?re speaking. They may not know ifit?s French or English, but they recognize the differentspeech patterns. We all know that our dogs recognize wordslike ?walk? and some... continued
Gigantic Cosmic Explosion Discovered
January 10, 2005?In the universe, that is. U.S. scientists say they?vedetected the largest explosion that?s ever been seen in theuniverse. It?s as if 300 suns suddenly got sucked into ablack hole. It?s nothing new?Agence France-Presse says it?s been goingon for 100 million... continued
Tsunami Threats in the U.S.
January 10, 2005There are only two places in the U.S. where an earthquakecould cause a tsunami on the scale of the one that hit theFar East recently. Studies show that at least one of theseareas is long overdue for a quake and... continued
Crystal Skull Revealed to be Fake
January 10, 2005The crystal skull in the British Museum in London, one ofonly 13 in the world, has been shown to be a fake. Steve Connor writes in the Independent that detailedanalysis of the skull's surface has revealed that it was cutand... continued
Storms Lash California, Europe
January 10, 2005The worst winter storm in decades has thrown northern Europeinto chaos and caused at least 14 deaths, while a fierce"Pineapple Express" has brought record rain and snowfall half a world away toCalifornia, and caused at least 7 deaths. Parts of... continued
Gordon Michael Scallion on Dreamland
January 8, 2005Legendary and controversial prophet of earth changes GordonMichael Scallion has been saying for many years that a greatearthquake in the Indian Ocean would herald a long period ofplanetary unrest. That earthquake has taken place, so whatdoes Mr. Scallion think now?... continued
Another UFO Rumor from India Daily
January 7, 2005India Daily has been publishing a series of stories aboutUFO activity in that country and Indian governmentinvolvement in it. Now the paper claims that a secret debateis taking place within the Indian government about whetheror not to disclose the Indian... continued
Personal Earthquake Dector May be Possible
January 7, 2005Newswise - Individuals may soon have an inexpensive way to learn ofvolcanic and earthquake activity from their home orbusiness. Randall Peters, professor and chairman of theDepartment of Physics atMercer University, andJames Shirley, a scientist at NASA?s Jet PropulsionLaboratory, have designed... continued
Strangeness Near Sun?
January 6, 2005On January 21, 2004, Unknowncountry.com published a storyabout a strange object that appeared near the sun in animage taken by NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.The object was dismissed by NASA first as a system artifact,then as a star or space... continued
Weather Goes Wild
January 6, 2005Brazil has so few tornadoes that it doesn't even have theequipment to forecast them, but the town of Crici NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued