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Account of Witness Who Saw Tsunami Coming
January 13, 2005Click on our newestInsightfor a description of the recent tsunamis from someone whowas actually there when they hit. What?s it like to see awall of water coming towards you? Don?t miss this incredibledescription. NOTE: This news story, previously published on... continued
Huge Icebergs Collide
January 13, 2005It?s something so large, it can be seen from space: amassive iceberg is colliding with a floating glacier nearthe McMurdo Research Station in Antarctica. NASA satellitesare following the 100-mile-long B-15A iceberg as it movessteadily towards the Drygalski Ice Tongue. They... continued
Anne says: I’ve Been Invisible Too!
January 13, 2005In her new diary, Anne Strieber says, "Whenever I mentionthe title of my bookAnInvisible Woman to any woman over 40, she instantly says,'Oh, I know how THAT feels!' It happened to me. One day Iwoke up and I was invisible.... continued
Cellphones Dangerous–to Children at Least
January 12, 2005Cellphone use is dangerous to young children. For years,there has been a controversy about the danger of cellphones.Now a group of scientists are saying that the danger toyoung children has been seriously underestimated, and thatchildren under eight should not use... continued
A Good Reason for Earthquakes
January 11, 2005It turns out earthquakes are not disasters, at least not asfar as the Earth is concerned. They recycle the Earth'scrust, which in turn produces a habitable planet, especiallyfor humans. Did you know that Earth is the only planet weknow about... continued
Tsunami Threats in the U.S.
January 10, 2005There are only two places in the U.S. where an earthquakecould cause a tsunami on the scale of the one that hit theFar East recently. Studies show that at least one of theseareas is long overdue for a quake and... continued
Crystal Skull Revealed to be Fake
January 10, 2005The crystal skull in the British Museum in London, one ofonly 13 in the world, has been shown to be a fake. Steve Connor writes in the Independent that detailedanalysis of the skull's surface has revealed that it was cutand... continued
Storms Lash California, Europe
January 10, 2005The worst winter storm in decades has thrown northern Europeinto chaos and caused at least 14 deaths, while a fierce"Pineapple Express" has brought record rain and snowfall half a world away toCalifornia, and caused at least 7 deaths. Parts of... continued
Record Number of Tornadoes in 2004
January 10, 2005According to NOAA, the number of tornadoes in 2004 set arecord. In September, the U.S. usually has an average of 47tornadoes, but this year we had 247! We?d better build tornado shelters?or learn toleave ourbodies! NOTE: This news story, previously... continued
Rat Talk
January 10, 2005Newswise - Scientists have discovered that mammals other than humanscan tell which language we?re speaking. They may not know ifit?s French or English, but they recognize the differentspeech patterns. We all know that our dogs recognize wordslike ?walk? and some... continued