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Another UFO Rumor from India Daily
January 7, 2005India Daily has been publishing a series of stories aboutUFO activity in that country and Indian governmentinvolvement in it. Now the paper claims that a secret debateis taking place within the Indian government about whetheror not to disclose the Indian... continued
Personal Earthquake Dector May be Possible
January 7, 2005Newswise - Individuals may soon have an inexpensive way to learn ofvolcanic and earthquake activity from their home orbusiness. Randall Peters, professor and chairman of theDepartment of Physics atMercer University, andJames Shirley, a scientist at NASA?s Jet PropulsionLaboratory, have designed... continued
Weather Goes Wild
January 6, 2005Brazil has so few tornadoes that it doesn't even have theequipment to forecast them, but the town of Crici NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Strangeness Near Sun?
January 6, 2005On January 21, 2004, Unknowncountry.com published a storyabout a strange object that appeared near the sun in animage taken by NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.The object was dismissed by NASA first as a system artifact,then as a star or space... continued
Strange Lights, Explosions: Now It’s the US
January 5, 2005Two weeks ago, we were reporting unusual lights andexplosions over Indonesia. A month ago, the phenomenonappeared over China and Australia. Now, the phenomonon isbeing reported over Wisconsin In all three [previous cases, the events were attributed tometeors. In all three... continued
Rare Storm Unlikely to Develop
January 5, 2005UPDATE: 01/07/05: The Pinapple Express is slamming intoCalifornia, but fortunately it's 24 hours too late to set upthe conditions necessary for a three-front faceoff over thecentral US. Thus the rare event that appeared to pose aserious weather hazard in that... continued
Elephants to the Rescue
January 4, 2005Elephants in Sumatra felt the tsunami coming and startedtrumpeting, alerting local people to the coming danger.Tourists were riding about a dozen of the elephants, whichsuddenly turned and ran away from the beach. Others brokethe heavy chains on their legs and... continued
UFOs Over Mexico City Airport
January 4, 2005We have received the following report from Scott Corrales ofInexplicata theInstitute of Hispanic Ufology: Aviation technician and UFO researcher Alfonso Salazar Mendozahas reported the following sightings: On December 20, 2004, the staff at the Mexico City InternationalAirport witnessed a strange... continued
Amazing Tsunami Tales
January 3, 2005Some amazing rescues occurred during the recent tsunamis. A10-year-old English girl saved her entire family because sheremembered a geography lesson she?d learned in school. And agroup of gypsies used their ancient knowledge of the sea tosave themselves. Duncan Larcombe reports... continued
Laser Pointers a Terror Weapon?
January 3, 2005There have been numerous incidents recently of laserpointers being flashed at the cockpits of landing aircraft.So far, these have only distracted pilots, and in one casecaused a retinal burn, but the use of common laser pointersmodified for high power output... continued