Laser Pointers a Terror Weapon?

January 3, 2005
There have been numerous incidents recently of laserpointers being flashed at the cockpits of landing aircraft.So far, these have only distracted pilots, and in one casecaused a retinal burn, but the use of common laser pointersmodified for high power output... continued

Amazing Tsunami Tales

January 3, 2005
Some amazing rescues occurred during the recent tsunamis. A10-year-old English girl saved her entire family because sheremembered a geography lesson she?d learned in school. And agroup of gypsies used their ancient knowledge of the sea tosave themselves. Duncan Larcombe reports... continued

Where to Contribute: Suggestions from Whitley Strieber

January 1, 2005
Whitley Strieber offers a new journal entry with someuniquely useful ideas about good places to contribute to thetsunami relief effort. He has found a large charity with anextensive existing infrastructure in the area, a mediumsized one with a unique guarantee... continued

Searing New Anne’s Diary on Scientists Whose Warnings are Ignored

January 1, 2005
Anne Strieber's new diary tells the horrifying story of agroup of scientists who knew hours before the tsunami struckthat it was going to be extremely dangerous, but were unableto communicate their knowledge to the proper authorities inthe countries involved. Then... continued

Prayer Group Prays for 2005

January 1, 2005
Every month, about six thousand people visit our prayergroup. That's an impressive number--but not out of over amillion monthly visitors to the site! We believe in prayeron thiswebsite. We believe that one of the reasons you are seeingthis fine new... continued

Volcano Erupts in Earthquake Area

December 31, 2004
India's only active volcano, known as Barren-1, which islocated in the Andaman Islands chain about 80 milesnortheast of the capital, Port Blair, has begun erupting inthe aftermath of last Sunday's mega-quake. Lava is flowing down the sides of the volcano,... continued

A Survivor’s Account of the Tsunami

December 30, 2004
A survivor of the tsunami has written a riveting andinspiring firsthand account of the tragedy that we areposting as an "Insight" article on Unknowncountry. "I lookedout and sawthe ocean suck out and this wave started to form a couple ofhundredfeet... continued

Over a Hundred Thousand Dead…but NOT THE ANIMALS

December 29, 2004
Aid officials are beginning to say that over a hundredthousand people probably died in Sunday's Indian Oceantsunamis, but there are few animal corpses being found.Apparently the animals had forewarning of the oncoming wave,and sought higher ground before it struck. Sri... continued

Los Angeles Storm Eerie Reminder of Strieber’s Predictions

December 29, 2004
In an eerie reprise ofthe ComingGlobal Superstorm andthe DayAfter Tomorrow, the Los Angeles area has experienced one ofits worst storms of the past hundred years. The storm, whichincluded a verified tornado in Van Nuys that took the roofsoff of houses... continued

Earthquake Swarm Strikes China

December 29, 2004
China's earthquake prone Yunnan Province was struck by atotal of 47 earthquakes on Sunday. Reports from the arearemain sketchy, but one person has been confirmed killed and23 injured. The quakes struck over a 17 hour period from Sunday and intoMonday.... continued