Are Cosmic Rays Changing Our Weather?

December 28, 2004
Something is changing earth's weather far faster than globalwarming models indicate. The extremely violent hurricane andtyphoon seasons of 2004 have been followed by ferociouswinter weather, and now yet another tropical cyclone hasformed in mid Pacific, with winds in excess of... continued

UFOs Over Iran: Gov’t Issues Shoot-Down Order

December 27, 2004
The Iranian government has announced that it has ordered itsair force to attack UFOs which are being seen near Iraniannuclear facilities in substantial numbers. Air Force ColonelSalman Mahini has said "all anti-aircraft units and jetfighters have been ordered to shoot... continued

Kerry May Withdraw Concession

December 27, 2004
Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry is exploringhis legal options after learning that there are seriousquestions about the validity of the vote count in Ohio. OnDecember 23, Senator Kerry's Ohio attorney Jerry Hoffheimerstated on MSNBC's Countdown that the Senator will be... continued

‘Great’ Quake has Earth Vibrating

December 27, 2004
The 9.0 mega-earthquake that struck the Indian Ocean Sundayhas caused the entire planet to begin vibrating. EnzoBoschi, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institutestated on Italian television on Sunday evening that "all theplanet is vibrating" because of the quake, and... continued

Strongest quake in forty years rocks Asia

December 26, 2004
An earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale struck off the coast of Sumatra at 8 AM local time today. Coastal areas in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, The Maldives Islands, and Bangladesh have been hit by tsunamis ranging... continued

12 Conditions of a Miracle for Christmas

December 24, 2004
As Dreamland's Christmas show, Whitley and Anne Strieberoffer 12 Conditions of a Miracle, a discussion of ToddMichael's exceptional book about the Miracle of the Loavesand Fishes. The Striebers believe that the wisdom in thisbook played an important role in the... continued

World’s Largest Quake in 4 Years Hits Off Tasmania

December 24, 2004
A massive earthquake measuring 8.1 on the Richter Scalestruck 600 miles off the Tasmanian coast this morning. Itwas the most powerful earthquake recorded on the planet inthe past four years. The strongest quake ever recorded measured 9.2 on theRichter Scale.... continued

Problem of Dangerous Superbugs Solved

December 23, 2004
BBC reports that doctors at Christie Hospital in Manchester,England have solved a problem that has made hospitals allover the world dangerous places to be. The problem: Whenthey treat dangerous bacteria, hospitals create somethingeven more dangerous---superbugs which cannot be killed. Thismeans... continued

High Strangeness Mars Image

December 23, 2004
NASA has been quietly posting some extremely strange imagesfrom Mars. The ones of cirrus clouds in the Martian sky havebeen extensively commented on, but the image reproduced hereawaits comment. Clearly, there is either a free flowing or frozen liquidclinging to... continued

Unexpected Cleaning Keeps Rover Rovin’

December 22, 2004
Something (or somebody??) has been regularly cleaning theMars rover Opportunity's solar panels during the night,enabling the device to continue to work much better and longer. NASA rover team leader Jim Erickson has said that theunexplained cleaning events have kept Opportunity's... continued