Will We Soon Be Able to Create Life?

December 21, 2004
Only God can create life?or will we soon be able to do ittoo? Roland Pease writes for BBC that for the first time,U.S. researchers have created a form of artificial life.Their creation is nothing more than a group of crudebiological... continued

US Gov’t Study Proves Acupuncture Works

December 20, 2004
After years of controversy, acupuncture has been vindicatedin a study sponsored by the US National Institutes ofHealth. The study involved 570 patients with arthriticknees. Patients treated with acupuncture showed a 40%decrease in pain and a 40% improvement in knee mobility.... continued

New Anne’s Diary: Do Animals Have Souls?

December 20, 2004
After her Saturday appearance on Coast to Coast AM, AnneStrieber was flooded with emails about peoples' experienceswith their animals coming back after death, and meetingtheir animals in near death experiences. She has collected a sample of these beautiful and inspiringemails... continued

India and UFOs: What is Going On?

December 19, 2004
For some moths now, there have been rumors of extensive UFOactivity in India and western China, and of contacts betweenIndian officials and ETs. These events are said to be centered on the Ladakh Valley,which lies between the Himalayas and Karakoram... continued

Explosions over Jakarta

December 19, 2004
On December 13, Unknowncountry reported aUFO explosionover the Chinese city of Lanzhou, and similar explosionstook place over Jakarta last night. In both cases, it hasbeen assumed that the objects were meteors, but it is unsualthat the same general area of... continued

EU Pleads for Global Warming Agreement–US Says No

December 19, 2004
Twelve days of talks on the future of earth's climate endedin failure in Buenos Aires yesterday as the European Unionsaid that the US has blocked all efforts to come to even amodest agreement to reduce worldwide emissions after theyear 2012... continued

Fierce Winds Kill 6 in France

December 18, 2004
Hurricane force winds struck Paris and northern Francewithout warning today, causing extensive damage and killingsix people. The storm lasted only a few minutes, but struckParis with 80mph winds. The event was associated with a fast-moving cold front, butwas not anticipated... continued

Anne & Whitley on Coast with Art Bell Tonight

December 18, 2004
Anne &Whitley Strieber will be on Coast to Coast AM with ArtBell tonight (Saturday, December 18) from 10 to 11 Pacifictime. Besides tellingabout her near death experience, Anne willalso talk about her new novelAnInvisible Woman, anexciting thriller which isbased on... continued

Superstorm Confirmation–It Has Happened Before…and May Again

December 17, 2004
5,200 years ago, the weather went wild. On November 9, 2003,Unknowncountry.comreported thatevidence had been discovered that past climate changehappened in hours. This evidence was found in Peru, when cores drilled to thebase of a glacier uncovered plants that had been... continued

More Mystery Booms

December 17, 2004
Unknowncountry.com is continuing its reporting on the big booms that have been heard along the East Coat recently. They?ve been especially loud along the coast of North Carolina. They have been heard since the 1800s, when author James Fenimore Cooper... continued