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New Moon Orbiting Earth?
December 17, 2004Ed Note: This article was placed in error. The "new moon"was determined by NASA to be a Saturn rocket stage inOctober of 2003. We erroneously used an old reference inthis story. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old... continued
Violent 2004 4th Warmest Year on Record
December 16, 20042004 was one of the warmest, wettest and most violent yearsin the history of weather forecasting. The National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration report is based on data goingback to 1895. As predicted in global warming models, Arctic temperaturesrose the most dramatically,... continued
Indian Remote Viewers in Intelligence Coup
December 15, 2004India's intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing(RAW), its equivalent of the CIA, has arrested a largenumber of Pakistani intelligence agents in recent days, andremote viewing has played a significant role in the effort.Working with the Central Bureau of Intelligence,... continued
Gigantic Iceberg Menaces Wildlife, McMurdo Base
December 15, 2004A massive 1,200 square mile iceberg threatens to block thebreakup of ice in the Ross Sea and prevent resupply of theUS's sprawling McMurdo base in Antarctica. The iceberg broke off the Ross ice shelf in 2000 and hasbeen drifting since... continued
Towers Engineer Disputes Collapse Story
December 14, 2004The official story is that the Twin Towers collapsed as aresult of damage done by the two aircraft that struck them.However, that may not be the whole story. Mike Pecoraro was working in the 6th sub-basement of theNorth Tower when... continued
Day After Tomorrow Popular with National Geo Readers
December 14, 2004Most of the general media laughed off the movie "The DayAfter Tomorrow" as "too extreme." But better informed mediawere not so dismissive, and the National Geographic was noexception. They wrote, "to environmentalists, there is morethan a kernel of truth in... continued
UFO Appears to Explode in China
December 13, 2004UPDATE: 12/13/04 0900 Pacific:XinhuaNews Agency reports that witnesses saw a strange, shiningobject cross the sky at 11:36 PM Saturday night, followed bytremendous booms. Over 700 witnesses have reported seeingthe phenomenon. Police are searching for debris in the areawhere it fell.... continued
Quake Swarm Under San Andreas Concerns Scientists
December 12, 2004Geologists are recording continuous tremors deep under theSan Andreas Fault, according to an article published in thisweek's edition of Science Magazine. A cluster of these tremors was observed before a significantquake last September, raising the possibility that they maybe precursors... continued
Text of Anne Strieber Chat Available
December 11, 2004Normally, the text of live subscriber chats appear only in our subscriber section. However, Anne Strieber especially requested that her chat be placed in the public area of the site. You can read it by clickinghere. Please also subscribe to... continued
Mystery of the Lone Whale
December 11, 2004A lone whale that makes sounds unlike any known species has marine biologists baffled. The whale has been wandering the Pacific for 12 years, but scientists have been unaware of it because its voice was only being picked up by... continued