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BBC Drama Says Yellowstone Could Kill a Billion
December 5, 2004A new BBC drama claims that the Yellowstone supervolcano isunstable and could explode, and if it does, subsequentdisruptions of the earth?s climate will lead to the deathsof a billion human beings. Although the film is not adocumentary, its producers claim... continued
Powerful UFO Case on Dreamland This Week
December 3, 2004Update: Read the transcript of Mark's live chat withUnknowncountry.com subscribers.Clickhere. And while you're at it, get in on the fun andsubscribe! Dr. Mark Olson is almost unique among close encounterwitnesses because he not only has experiences and is amember of... continued
Mystery Tremors in US, Australia
December 2, 2004Unknowncountry.com is one of the few news sources in theworld that is able to assemble similar unusual stories fromdifferent areas, and now it appears that mystery tremors,like the mystery booms reported last week, are taking placein diverse areas. Like the... continued
Ferocious Summer Heat Ahead
December 2, 2004Despite the fact that the brutal summer of 2003 brought withit the highest weather-related death toll in Europeanhistory, the catastrophe was largely ignored by the USmedia. Estimates of the dead range from 22,000 to 35,000,and now a scientific group is... continued
Another Mozart Appears
December 1, 200412 year old Jay Greenberg is believed by his teachers at NewYork's famed Julliard School of Music to be the greatestmusical prodigy in 200 years, the equal of Mozart, who isbelieved to be the greatest musical prodigy of all time.... continued
Himalayan UFO Story Won’t Quit
December 1, 2004Unknowncountry.com has run two stories about an unusual UFOsituation in the distant Himalayas, and our subscribers haveenjoyed an interview with Skywatch International's JimHickman in which he states that contacts of his in India aretelling him that there is definitely something... continued
Everyone can be a Spy says Canadian Inventor
November 30, 2004Canadian inventor Vincent Tao has developed a method bywhich anybody with a web browser can become a high tech spy. The engineer at York University in Toronto says that hismapping and surveillance tool can produce images so sharpthat the makes... continued
‘Key” Moon Prophecy Appears True
November 30, 2004In Whitley Strieber's book the Key, theMaster of the Keystates, "You can save yourselves by a number of means...Gaincontrol over your moon, which contains an isotope of heliumthat will become extremely valuable to you if you can devisebetter uses of... continued
Is Our World Real? Maybe Not…
November 30, 2004The question of whether or not our world is real has beendebated since the time of the ancient Greeks. Recently,films like the Matrix have suggested that 'reality' could bean entirely artificial construction. Now two scientists are saying that it might... continued
DNA Proves Extinctions not Due to Man
November 28, 2004The book theComing Global Superstorm was criticized for making the casethat mass extinctions of various types of bison, mammoths,horses in the Americas and many other large animals aroundthe world, were due to sudden climate change. The conventional wisdom was that... continued