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Whitley Back on Dreamland
November 24, 2004Whitley Strieber returns to Dreamland this week with anexplosive interview with Loren Coleman about his white-hotnew book,the CopycatEffect. Loren's research proves that the media is one ofthe primary engines causing ultra-violence in our society. Loren will present case after case... continued
Strange, Powerful Storms in US
November 23, 2004A highly unusual snowstorm blanketed Southern Californiamountains with up to three feet of snow, and even dusteddesert areas. At the same time, extraordinary rainfall across central,southern and eastern Texas caused extensive flooding, andwas contiuning as this was being written. Flooding... continued
Quakes, Typhoons Scare Japanese into Gold
November 23, 2004After an incredible season of earthquakes and typhoons,nervous Japanese investors are buying gold despite the factthat its price is at a 16 year high and the Japanesetraditionally sell gold into high markets. The buying is coming because of a growing... continued
Richmond Booms May Be Explained
November 23, 2004Richmond police announced today that several 'pressureproducing devices' had been found in a neighborhood in NorthRichmond. Fire Captain Mike Martin told assembled reportersthat the devices had been found both above and below ground. Police cordoned off an area of North... continued
Vast Extinction Crisis Looms
November 22, 2004The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEW) will publisha report on Wednesday stating that more than 11,000endangered animal and plant species, including more than1,000 mammal species, or 1/4 of the world's total, arelikely to go extinct over the next few decades.... continued
Fierce Storm Whips Across Europe
November 21, 2004As predicted by global warming models, Europe continues tobear the brunt of unusually ferocious seasonal storms. Thelatest devastation took place over the past 48 hours when awinter storm generated sustained winds of over a hundredmiles an hour in many areas,... continued
Mark Macy Subscriber Chat
November 21, 2004Mark Macy of Worlditc.org is oneof the world's leading exponents of spiritualtranscommunication using technological devices such as taperecorders, televsion and radios. His interview for our subscribers has been extremelypopular, and we are presenting the text of the live chat hedid... continued
Bizarre Israeli Intelligence Failure
November 19, 2004To the astonishment of the world intelligence community,Israel failed to intercept a Hizbollah drone that flew overthe northern Israeli town of Nahariya on November 8. The reason was that a Patriot Missile battery that couldhave shot the drone down had... continued
Mystery Booms in US and UK
November 19, 2004Mystery booms are being heard in Ft. Wayne, Indiana,Richmond, Virginia and in England. As reported byUnknowncountry.com in September, Ft. Wayne has experiencedthe sounds before. The sounds have the "snap and roll" characteristics of sonicbooms made by high speed jets when... continued
Strange Cloud in China
November 18, 2004A gigantic cloud 26,000 feet high turned day into night overLiaoning Province in northeastern China on November 12. Thecloud, which appeared around noon, kept parts of theprovince in total darkness for up to half an hour. The cloud was accompanied... continued