Bizarre Israeli Intelligence Failure

November 19, 2004
To the astonishment of the world intelligence community,Israel failed to intercept a Hizbollah drone that flew overthe northern Israeli town of Nahariya on November 8. The reason was that a Patriot Missile battery that couldhave shot the drone down had... continued

Mystery Booms in US and UK

November 19, 2004
Mystery booms are being heard in Ft. Wayne, Indiana,Richmond, Virginia and in England. As reported in September, Ft. Wayne has experiencedthe sounds before. The sounds have the "snap and roll" characteristics of sonicbooms made by high speed jets when... continued

Possible Second Mad Cow Case in US

November 18, 2004
The US Agriculture Department has announced that a secondpossible case of mad cow disease has appeared in the UnitedStates. Officials would not say where the possible case wasdiscovered, but earlier information suggested that such acase might be taking place in... continued

Strange Cloud in China

November 18, 2004
A gigantic cloud 26,000 feet high turned day into night overLiaoning Province in northeastern China on November 12. Thecloud, which appeared around noon, kept parts of theprovince in total darkness for up to half an hour. The cloud was accompanied... continued

We Almost Went Extinct

November 18, 2004
We almost went the way of the dinosaur. Humans came close to extinction 70,000 years ago, when genetic research shows that there were only about 2,000 of us alive. Just one major disease or environmental disaster (like the meteor that... continued

Anniversary of 1st UFO Sighting

November 17, 2004
Contrary to popular belief, the first UFO was not seen bypilot Kenneth Arnold in 1947. The first UFO sightingrecorded in modern times took place on November, 17, 1882when the British Royal Observatory at Greenwich described "astrange celestial visitor--a circular object... continued

Air Force Looks at Teleportation

November 17, 2004
The US Air Force is exploring a radically new method offlight: teleportation. Eric Davis of Warp Drive Metricsdescribes his Teleportation Physics Study in this way: "This study was tasked with the purpose of collectinginformation describing the teleportation of materialobjects, providing... continued

Anne Strieber On the Road

November 16, 2004
Anne Strieber has left intensive care and is beginningstrength rehabilitation. She has lost strength due to amonth of medically necessary bed rest, and must engage inspecial exercises to regain it. She has no neurologicaldeficits, and is expected to make a... continued

Bear Fossils Hint at Much Earlier Human Presence in Americas

November 16, 2004
For years, paleontologists have believed that ice blockedoverland migration from Asia to the Americas until 13,000years ago. As a result, the profession has routinely ignoredevidence of a human presence in the Americas prior to thisdate, no matter how compelling. Now... continued

Nanotech May Make Alzheimer’s Test Possible

November 16, 2004
A tragedy of modern medicine has been doctors' inability todiagnose Alzheimer's disease. Now a stunning newnanotechnology process might make early diagnosis possible.Along with new treatments in testing, this could lelp savemillions from the living death of this disease. A process... continued