Arctic Melting Far Faster than Expected

November 12, 2004
Yesterday we reported on a developing antarcticcatastrophe--rapid warming of the area that was setting thestage for mass extinction. Now it appears that the arctic is melting so fast thatcoastal areas of the United States are liable to becompletely under water... continued

Mt. Ranier Earthquake Swarm

November 12, 2004
Mt. Rainier is experiencing an earthquake swarm that hasincluded a 3.2 earthquake a mile beneath the surface, thatis the largest earthquake ever recorded under the mountain. Volcanologists do not believe that the current earthquakeswarm is being caused by the movement... continued

Anne Strieber in Strong Recovery

November 12, 2004
Anne Strieber has left intensive care and is making a strongand full recovery from her recent intercranial bleed. Shehas licked all of her infections and is on an excellent roadto complete recovery. Anne says thanks for all your prayers and... continued

Antarctic Catastrophe Threatens

November 11, 2004
A catastrophe threatens because of the rapid warming of theAntarctic. Melting ice and a rapid increase in temperaturesin the Southern Ocean have caused a horrendous drop in thenumbers of Antarctic Krill, which is the key food source atthe bottom of... continued

Texas Biologists ‘Identify’ Mystery Animal

November 11, 2004
Texas biologists have stated that the strange animalslocated in Lufkin and Elmendorf, Texas earlier this yearwere coyotes with mange. They did no DNA studies of theanimals, and made no effort, beyond looking at somephotographs, to determine why, if they are... continued

Do Not Ignore Cellphone Danger

November 11, 2004
The case against the cellphone continues to grow more and more serious. Swiss researchers in a sleep laboratory at the University of Zurich have found that exposure to digital mobile phone radiation while awake causes changes in brain function even... continued

Not Another UFO Flap? This Time It’s Uh…Halloween

November 10, 2004
2004 is going to go down as one of the great years for UFOsightings worldwide, and now George Filer reports on yetanother UFO flap, this time in Illinois. On the night of October 31, 2004, hundreds of peoplereported seeing three... continued

Anne Strieber Update

November 10, 2004
As of November 10, Anne Strieber has licked her infectionand is again on the road to recovery. She is resting well,but bored with life in an Intensive Care Unit and hopeful,if her illness does not take any more difficult turns,... continued

California May Ban Mercury in Vaccines

November 10, 2004
With the frightening rise in autism over the past ten yearshas come an increasing concern that thimerosal, amercury-based preservative used in vaccines, may be responsible. Thus far, most medical studies have not revealed aconnection between thimerosal and autism, and the... continued

Anne Strieber Update

November 9, 2004
Anne Strieber is back on a more steady road to recovery. Itis hoped that she will leave intensive care within 10 days.Her pneumonia is now behind her and efforts are being madeto determine other sources for her fever. She has... continued