Not Another UFO Flap? This Time It’s Uh…Halloween

November 10, 2004
2004 is going to go down as one of the great years for UFOsightings worldwide, and now George Filer reports on yetanother UFO flap, this time in Illinois. On the night of October 31, 2004, hundreds of peoplereported seeing three... continued

Anne Strieber Update

November 10, 2004
As of November 10, Anne Strieber has licked her infectionand is again on the road to recovery. She is resting well,but bored with life in an Intensive Care Unit and hopeful,if her illness does not take any more difficult turns,... continued

California May Ban Mercury in Vaccines

November 10, 2004
With the frightening rise in autism over the past ten yearshas come an increasing concern that thimerosal, amercury-based preservative used in vaccines, may be responsible. Thus far, most medical studies have not revealed aconnection between thimerosal and autism, and the... continued

Another Unexplained Ice Block Crashes Through a Roof

November 9, 2004
For the past two years, has beenfollowing the ongoing story of ice blocks falling from thesky. Spanish scientists who first studied the phenomenonhave dubbed the ice blocks "megacyrometeors," AstrobiologistJesus Martinez-Frias has said stated that he's concernedthat large blocks of... continued

Why Women are More Religious than Men

November 9, 2004
Sociologists have long known that there are more religious women than men. Professor Rodney Stark thinks we should not ask why women are more religious, but why men are less interested in religion. "When you turn the question around it... continued

Anne Strieber Update

November 9, 2004
Anne Strieber is back on a more steady road to recovery. Itis hoped that she will leave intensive care within 10 days.Her pneumonia is now behind her and efforts are being madeto determine other sources for her fever. She has... continued

Ohio Remains Undecided

November 8, 2004
Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell has said thatthe vote count in his state is not yet official, and willnot be official until all provisional ballots are counted,which will not take place until ten days after the election. At... continued

Bizarre Radar Effect Over Washington

November 7, 2004
It was very windy in the Baltimore-Washington area onNovember 5. But wind does not account for the bizarre radareffect that appeared on weather radars over the area thatevening. A radar expert consulted by said thatthere could be two main... continued

God Particle…or God Himself?

November 7, 2004
The legendary particle that physicists thought explained the basic question of why matter has mass, often called the ?God particle,? probably does not exist, and now a few scientistsare beginning to consider the idea that what might be thereis not... continued

Sun Continues Active After Solar Max

November 7, 2004
A large and moderately complex sunspot group, NOAA Region696, wasresponsible for a series of eruptions on the surface of theSun knownas solar flares, including a significant eruption on 7November 2004 at9:06 a.m. MST. A radiation storm, currently at the moderate(S2)level,... continued