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Anne Strieber’s Recovery Status
November 7, 2004Anne is not as alert as she has been, but her doctors arehoping that, once her fever has broken, she will become morealert. She has had a temperature of between 99 and 102 forfifteen days, and this, plus the difficulty... continued
Movie Fakery in High Gear
November 7, 2004In the film "Simone," Al Pacino created a computer-generated actress he passed off as real. Now this is no longer fiction: for his two sequels to "The Matrix," director JoelSilver mixes real actors in the same scenes with computer-generated images... continued
Apollo 15 Image Mystery
November 5, 2004Apollo 15, was the first of three advanced lunar missions.It was launched on July 26, 1971 and carried astronautsAlfred Worden, James Irwin and David Scott. It was also thefirst mission to include the Lunar Roving Vehicle, andinvolved exploration of a... continued
New Warning About Invisible Comets
November 5, 2004Scientists now warn that with even the most sophisticatedastronomical scanning technology, dangerous meteorites arebeing missed and could possibly hit the earth with no warning. Professor Wickramasinghe of the Cardiff University?s centerfor Astrobiology claims that we can no longer assume that... continued
Anne Strieber Recovery Update
November 5, 2004Anne Strieber continues to recover, but is still battlingpneumonia. The disease is not believed to belife-threatening, but she is improving only slowly. She is out of neurological danger and now able to sleepwithout being tested for neurological signs every hour,... continued
Anne Still Has Pneumonia
November 4, 2004November 4, 2004: Anne Strieber is not believed to be indanger at this time, but doctors are struggling to defeat apersistent but relatively low-grade pneumonia that has kepther on artificial breathing support since Tuesday. Your prayers to defeat Anne's infection... continued
First Human Face Transplant
November 4, 2004On October 15, physicians at the Cleveland Clinic receivedreview board approval to begin screening patients for thefirst ever human face transplant. In the first few procedures, they only plan to use facialskin and the connective tissue underneath. Patients wouldretain their... continued
New Mad Cow Cases in New York?
November 4, 2004State officials are currently investigating an unusualcluster of possible Mad Cow cases in upstate New York. Currently five separate cases of the fatal Creutzfeldt JakobDisease have been diagnosed in Ulster County and surroundingareas alone, a surprising number given that the... continued
Headless ‘Organ Bank’ Bodies Now Possible
November 4, 2004Indian scientist P. B. Desai suggested in a speech last weekthat it should be possible to remove genes from embyros thatcould be used to create harvestable organs for adults inneed of organ transplants. The organs would be grown in "bodies,"... continued
Is Contact Under Way in India?
November 3, 2004Persistent stories out of India indicate that somethingextraordinary is happening there involving UFOs. An Indianengineer working on antigravity propulsion has describedstudying advanced technology in "package" form--technologiesready made to be analyzed and duplicated. But where are theyfrom? Since October 10, everyone... continued