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Quadriplegic man sends email with his mind
November 2, 2004A 24 year old quadriplegic man plays computer games andchecks his email just by thinking about it thanks to a smallsensor surgically implanted into the man?s motor cortex.The tiny chip monitors signals sent from up to 100 neuronsat a time.... continued
Titan far more complex than previously thought
November 1, 2004Saturn?s moon Titan is electrifying the scientific communitybecause it appears to be ?geologically alive,? that is tosay, involved with complex chemical processes, weather andother changes that could be very much like the changes thattook place on earth as life was... continued
MRI proves differences between Republican and Democrat brain
November 1, 2004Two scientists at UCLA are using brain scans to determinehow the minds of Republicans differ from those of Democrats. Last month, Dr. Joshua Freedman and Dr. Marco Iocaboni usedfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to monitorbrain activity of 10 Democrats and... continued
Violent Weather & Earthquakes Rock Asia
November 1, 2004Asia is having some of its most violent weather everrecorded, and the latest typhoon to strike Japan hasgenerated the highest waves ever recorded in that country,and killed eighty people. The rash of earthquakes that hasaccompanied the typhoons are believed to... continued
UFO’s Over Veracruz, Mexico
October 31, 2004INEXPLICATA: The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - Unidentified flying objects were seen in the sky around 8:30a.m. October 28th, causing great expectation among residentsof Orizaba and C NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any... continued
The Latest from Master Astrologer Mahala
October 31, 2004We're always happy to see Mahala's astrological reports, andher latest analysis is no exception. She discusses somesobering signs for the future, but also some hopefulindications in our country's chart. Included is an analysisof the charts of the two presidential candidates,... continued
Redskins Lose, Republicans Call Penalty Foul
October 30, 2004A crucial penalty in the last few minutes of theRedskins--Green Bay Game may have lost the 'Skins the game,which was won by Green Bay, 28-14. Had the penalty not beenlevied against the 'Skins and Green Bay not made that lasttouchdown,... continued
Dangerous Bacteria Evolving in Insects
October 29, 2004Scientists have evidence that bacteria dangerous to humanshave begun evolving in insects, for reasons that are not clear. The October edition of Nature Reviews: Microbiology reportsthat invertebrates such as worms and insects may have begunenabling a rapid evolution for bacteria... continued
Cassini Titan Flyby Stuns Scientists
October 29, 2004One of the scientists observing Titan during the Cassiniflyby summed it up perfectly: "I don't believe it." It has been assumed that the atmosphere of Saturn's moonTitan is made up primarily of methane, and that the hugecloud that hangs over... continued
“Black Boxes” Recovered From 9/11 Crashes?
October 29, 2004Both the 9/11 Commission and federal authorities continue toinsist that none of the flight data recorders (FDR) orcockpit voice recorders (CVR) were recovered from thewreckage of the two planes that struck the World TradeCenter towers on September 11th, 2001. New... continued