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Redskins Lose, Republicans Call Penalty Foul
October 30, 2004A crucial penalty in the last few minutes of theRedskins--Green Bay Game may have lost the 'Skins the game,which was won by Green Bay, 28-14. Had the penalty not beenlevied against the 'Skins and Green Bay not made that lasttouchdown,... continued
Dangerous Bacteria Evolving in Insects
October 29, 2004Scientists have evidence that bacteria dangerous to humanshave begun evolving in insects, for reasons that are not clear. The October edition of Nature Reviews: Microbiology reportsthat invertebrates such as worms and insects may have begunenabling a rapid evolution for bacteria... continued
Cassini Titan Flyby Stuns Scientists
October 29, 2004One of the scientists observing Titan during the Cassiniflyby summed it up perfectly: "I don't believe it." It has been assumed that the atmosphere of Saturn's moonTitan is made up primarily of methane, and that the hugecloud that hangs over... continued
“Black Boxes” Recovered From 9/11 Crashes?
October 29, 2004Both the 9/11 Commission and federal authorities continue toinsist that none of the flight data recorders (FDR) orcockpit voice recorders (CVR) were recovered from thewreckage of the two planes that struck the World TradeCenter towers on September 11th, 2001. New... continued
New Species of Hobbit-sized Human Discovered
October 28, 2004The remains of a new species of Hobbit-sized human have beenfound in a cave on the island of Flores, an isolated islandto the east of Java. So far, the remains of eightindividuals from the new species have been uncovered. Thepartial... continued
Race Based Terror Weapons a Threat
October 28, 2004The British Medical Association released a report Tuesdaywarning that without proper defenses the world will beincreasingly susceptible to designer bio-engineered weaponsincluding polio viruses, anthrax, and smallpox. According tothe report, biological weapons targeted toward specificethnic groups might even be the future... continued
What is Wrong with Washington
October 27, 2004Unknowncountry is not a political website, and those of uswho work here are a cross-section of many differentpolitical opinions. However, we are all of one mind,conservatives, liberals, moderates and unclassifiables, thatsomething is deeply and profoundly wrong with Washington.Not because one... continued
Strange Caller on Coast to Coast
October 27, 2004Earlier this week, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory had acall from somebody claiming to be "Dodie Crain," the motherof controversial biologist Dan Burisch. Coast producersconfirmed that the call was probably authentic, but thatcannot be stated for certain. Dan... continued
Earth Twists Space-Time
October 26, 2004An experiment with implications almost beyond imaginationhas confirmed that earth's rotation actually twists thefabric of space and time. An international group of scientists assembled by NASA hasconfirmed that Einstein was correct in his theory thatplanetary rotation would do this. Scientists... continued
UFO Hovers Over Calif. Fault
October 26, 2004UFOs are sometimes identified as "Earthquake Lights," but arecurring, long-duration and high altitide over the SantaCruz Mountains in California does not seem to fit that category. The object was well above the horizon, and earthquake lightstypically manifest close to the... continued