UFO Hovers Over Calif. Fault

October 26, 2004
UFOs are sometimes identified as "Earthquake Lights," but arecurring, long-duration and high altitide over the SantaCruz Mountains in California does not seem to fit that category. The object was well above the horizon, and earthquake lightstypically manifest close to the... continued

Strong Rumors of Iran War

October 25, 2004
Persistent rumors in the international community suggestthat Israel, possibly with the help of the US, is about toattack and destroy the part of Iran's nuclear infrastructurethat is capable of producing nuclear weapons. Officially, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has been tellingconcerned... continued

Bin Laden Found

October 25, 2004
Osama bin Laden has been located, but is in an area ofPakistan that the government cannot reach because the entirepopulation is hostile to the central authority. John Lehman,a member of the 911 Commission said in a speech yesterdaythat bin Laden... continued

Threatened Alaskan Village Forecasts Future of Global Warming

October 25, 2004
BBC - Located at the edge of the arctic circle, the small Alaskanvillage of Shishmaref is being literally swallowed by thesea as annually rising waters encroach upon it. AtShishmaref the tide moves an average of 10 feet (3m) closereach year,... continued

Abductee Betty Hill, 85, Dies

October 23, 2004
NYT - Betty Hill, whose well-known claim of alien abductionperhaps marked the beginning of popular culture's awarenessof the phenomena, died of lung cancer at her home inPortsmouth, N.H. at age 85. Betty and Barney Hill experienced what they believed was... continued

Saturn Moon Makes a UFO

October 22, 2004
Dione, one of the moons of Saturn, made a convincing appearance of a UFO last week. As Cassini took an image ofSaturn, the moon's motion created the illusion that it was agigantic cylinder. Dione is Dione, but there are an... continued

Security Expert Criticizes Bush Passport Plan

October 22, 2004
Bruce Schneier, internationally renowned cryptologist andsecurity expert, and author of AppliedCryptography, has criticized a Bush Administration planto embed special computer chips in all future passports. Amove, Schneier says, that could compromise the privacy andsecurity of American's traveling abroad, or worse,... continued

Japan’s Deadliest Typhoon in a Decade

October 21, 2004
2004 has been one of the most active typhoon seasons inhistory, and now Japan, which has been struck time and againthroughout the season, has been hit by its worst typhoon ina decade. According to a Japanese Meteorological Agency official,Typhoon Tokage... continued

20 Oct 2004 Anne Strieber Update

October 20, 2004
As of October 20 at 9:00PM, Anne is past the immediatecrisis, and continues to recover well. If all goes asexpected, she will be hospitalized for one or two months.However, there are many rivers yet to cross. Over the nextweek, she... continued

Elmendorf Creature DNA a Puzzle

October 20, 2004
Unknowncountry.com has received word from the laboratorydoing DNA studies on the Elmendorf animal, the strangecreature killed near Elmendorf, Texas, last May, that theDNA is canine, but that it has been subjected to too muchstress to tell anything about a specific... continued