Security Expert Criticizes Bush Passport Plan

October 22, 2004
Bruce Schneier, internationally renowned cryptologist andsecurity expert, and author of AppliedCryptography, has criticized a Bush Administration planto embed special computer chips in all future passports. Amove, Schneier says, that could compromise the privacy andsecurity of American's traveling abroad, or worse,... continued

Japan’s Deadliest Typhoon in a Decade

October 21, 2004
2004 has been one of the most active typhoon seasons inhistory, and now Japan, which has been struck time and againthroughout the season, has been hit by its worst typhoon ina decade. According to a Japanese Meteorological Agency official,Typhoon Tokage... continued

20 Oct 2004 Anne Strieber Update

October 20, 2004
As of October 20 at 9:00PM, Anne is past the immediatecrisis, and continues to recover well. If all goes asexpected, she will be hospitalized for one or two months.However, there are many rivers yet to cross. Over the nextweek, she... continued

Elmendorf Creature DNA a Puzzle

October 20, 2004 has received word from the laboratorydoing DNA studies on the Elmendorf animal, the strangecreature killed near Elmendorf, Texas, last May, that theDNA is canine, but that it has been subjected to too muchstress to tell anything about a specific... continued

UFO Conference To Present Startling New Evidence

October 20, 2004
UFO investigators, journalists, authors, former militaryofficers and other experts will gather at the National UFOConference at the end of October to present their mostrecent findings into the question of unidentified flyingobjects. Among the guests at this years conference is Air... continued

Anne Strieber Recovering from Stroke

October 19, 2004
At 9:30 PM on Saturday, October 16, Anne Strieberexperienced a subarachnoid hemorrhage. This is caused by thebursting of an aneurysm in the brain and is usuallyasymptomatic until the stroke takes place. There was no warning. Anne received excellent care very... continued

The Future of Unknowncountry

October 19, 2004
Many of you have expressed your love and good wishes forAnne and Whitley, and also asked what will happen The website is a large operation andwill continue. As Anne was news editor, there will obviouslybe a period of time... continued

UFOs or Secret Military Base?

October 15, 2004
Military personnel and local civilians are reporting a largenumber of UFOs on the Indian side of the Himalayas. Many ofthese sightings take place in daylight. These vehicles haveno sound, can take off vertically and float without beingaffected by gravity. They... continued

Discovery of a Gay Gene

October 15, 2004
Scientists may be on the verge of discovering a physicalbasis for homosexuality, that can be passed down fromgeneration to generation. This discovery would be a majorbreakthrough for the civil rights of gay people, since theycould no longer be denied equal... continued

Psychic Finds Missing Girl

October 15, 2004
Laura Hatch, a 17-year-old girl who was missing for eightdays in Redmond, Washington, was found alive inside hercrashed Toyota by a psychic who had a vision telling herwhere to look for the girl. She was found badly hurt andseverely dehydrated,... continued