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The Future of Unknowncountry
October 19, 2004Many of you have expressed your love and good wishes forAnne and Whitley, and also asked what will happen toUnknowncountry.com. The website is a large operation andwill continue. As Anne was news editor, there will obviouslybe a period of time... continued
Discovery of a Gay Gene
October 15, 2004Scientists may be on the verge of discovering a physicalbasis for homosexuality, that can be passed down fromgeneration to generation. This discovery would be a majorbreakthrough for the civil rights of gay people, since theycould no longer be denied equal... continued
Psychic Finds Missing Girl
October 15, 2004Laura Hatch, a 17-year-old girl who was missing for eightdays in Redmond, Washington, was found alive inside hercrashed Toyota by a psychic who had a vision telling herwhere to look for the girl. She was found badly hurt andseverely dehydrated,... continued
UFOs or Secret Military Base?
October 15, 2004Military personnel and local civilians are reporting a largenumber of UFOs on the Indian side of the Himalayas. Many ofthese sightings take place in daylight. These vehicles haveno sound, can take off vertically and float without beingaffected by gravity. They... continued
Another Greenhouse Gas
October 14, 2004Belching and farting sheep and cattle account for a fifth ofall global emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas that isworse than carbon dioxide (CO2). But a new vaccine can helpthe animals pass less gas. A vaccine against the three microbes... continued
How to Avoid the Flu With No Vaccine
October 14, 2004Most of us won't be able to get a flu shot this year, sincethe U.S. will be getting only about half as much vaccine asusual and that will be reserved for the sick and theelderly. But there are steps we... continued
Whitley Talks on Coast About New Elmendorf Beast
October 14, 2004A mystery animal identical to the Elmendorf Beast has beenfound in Lufkin, Texas, approximately 300 miles northeast ofElmendorf, where the first animal was shot in May.Photographs of both animals make it clear that they arevirtually identical. Whitley will be talking... continued
Sexy Voices
October 13, 2004A new study shows that people with attractive voices aremore sexually adventurous. When researchers asked 149 menand women to rate the attractiveness of recorded voices,they found the most appealing voices belonged to peoplewho'd had sex at an earlier age and... continued
Spontaneous Human Combustion
October 13, 2004Spontaneous Human Combustion is thought to occur when aperson is found burned to death, but nothing much aroundthem has caught on fire. Often only the bed or chair theywere on shows signs of being burned, while the rest of thearea... continued
Climate Swings in the Past
October 13, 2004Tree rings and ice cores may not accurately reveal howwidely the climate changed in the past, according toscientists who have studied weather data from the last 1,000years. This is important to know as scientists try to figureout if current bizarre... continued