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How Bird Mates Find Each Other in the Spring
October 8, 2004Scientists are still trying to figure outhow birds getaround. They also want to understand how birds from thesame species may be isolated from each other for months, butstill somehow know exactly when to return home to meet upwith their mates... continued
Danes to Claim North Pole
October 8, 2004The Chinese want to claim the moon for its valuableHelium-3, although the U.S. has vowed to return and plantanother American flag there first. Now Denmark wants tostake a claim to the North Pole, so they can hunt for theoil that... continued
Why No Volcanoes on the East Coast?
October 8, 2004We're waiting to see if Mount St. Helens will erupt again inWashington State, but we never hear about volcanic activityon the East Coast of the U.S. There's a scientific reasonfor this. Sally Harris writes that the kinds of geological conditionsthere... continued
Returning the Trash
October 7, 2004Litter is becoming an international problem. A Brazilianphotographer looks for trash that has washed up on the beachnear his home. When he identifies what country it came from,he returns it to that country?s embassy in Brazil. Fabio Barreto, who runs... continued
Bee Shortage Leads to Food Shortage
October 7, 2004The number of domesticated honeybees in the U.S. hasdeclined by about 50%. Unless this changes, many fruits andvegetables may disappear from the food supply. John Roach writes in National Geographic News that beepollination is responsible for 15 to 30% of... continued
Don’t Drink the Water
October 7, 2004Fish with both male and female sexual tissue have beendiscovered near wastewater treatment plants on the SouthPlatte River and Boulder Creek in Colorado. And it's beendiscovered that utilities across the country have been lyingfor years about the lead levels in... continued
Like Water Going Down the Drain
October 6, 2004We're not sure if water goes down the drain in ananticlockwise direction above the equator and in a clockwisedirection below it (or vice-versa), but scientists DO saythat dolphins in the northern hemisphere swim inanticlockwise circles, while dolphins in the southernhemisphere... continued
How to Read Your Future
October 6, 2004In the future, we'll all be able to get genetic scans thatwill tell us how to eat and exercise, as well as whatdiseases await us in the future. The question is, do wereally want to know? Daith NOTE: This news... continued
A Superbug Escapes
October 6, 2004Superbugs?bacteria that have become resistant to allantibiotics?are usually found in hospitals, where lots ofantibiotics are used and bugs eventually evolve that cannotbe killed by the drugs. This means you can be sicker comingout of the hospital than you were going... continued
UFOs Worldwide
October 5, 2004People in a Wisconsin town had two weeks of steady UFOsightings recently, some of them accompanied by what lookedlike fighter jets. A team of space scientists in India saw astrange-looking craft. And a small town in England has beendeclared a... continued