Another Greenhouse Gas

October 14, 2004
Belching and farting sheep and cattle account for a fifth ofall global emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas that isworse than carbon dioxide (CO2). But a new vaccine can helpthe animals pass less gas. A vaccine against the three microbes... continued

How to Avoid the Flu With No Vaccine

October 14, 2004
Most of us won't be able to get a flu shot this year, sincethe U.S. will be getting only about half as much vaccine asusual and that will be reserved for the sick and theelderly. But there are steps we... continued

Whitley Talks on Coast About New Elmendorf Beast

October 14, 2004
A mystery animal identical to the Elmendorf Beast has beenfound in Lufkin, Texas, approximately 300 miles northeast ofElmendorf, where the first animal was shot in May.Photographs of both animals make it clear that they arevirtually identical. Whitley will be talking... continued

Sexy Voices

October 13, 2004
A new study shows that people with attractive voices aremore sexually adventurous. When researchers asked 149 menand women to rate the attractiveness of recorded voices,they found the most appealing voices belonged to peoplewho'd had sex at an earlier age and... continued

Spontaneous Human Combustion

October 13, 2004
Spontaneous Human Combustion is thought to occur when aperson is found burned to death, but nothing much aroundthem has caught on fire. Often only the bed or chair theywere on shows signs of being burned, while the rest of thearea... continued

Climate Swings in the Past

October 13, 2004
Tree rings and ice cores may not accurately reveal howwidely the climate changed in the past, according toscientists who have studied weather data from the last 1,000years. This is important to know as scientists try to figureout if current bizarre... continued

A Cannibal’s Defense

October 12, 2004
A museum curator has discovered that Alfred Packer, who wasconvicted of murder because he ate his five companions whenthey were lost in a Colorado winter 130 years ago, mayactually have been innocent. Robert Weller writes that David Bailey, who works... continued

Fish Turning Up in Strange Places

October 12, 2004
Due to global warming and the pole shift now in progress,birds and insects have been turning up in places wherethey've never been seen before. Now this is happening withmarine life as well. In British Columbia, fisherman Gudy Gudmundseth caught thefirst... continued

Coming Closer to Sudden Climate Change

October 12, 2004
Levels of carbon dioxide accumulating in the atmosphere aresharply increasing, which means that climate change mayoccur sooner than expected. Michael McCarthy writes in the Independent that the suddenjump in CO2 can't be explained by a sudden increase ingreenhouse gases from... continued

Meeting an Orb on the Road

October 12, 2004
Scottwrites, in one of our newCommunionLetters: I would like to share an experience my mother andI had with what I would classify as an Orb. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued